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May I request a genin naruhina chap?


OK, you know how in the Time Travel arc in the anime, Boruto sees his future parents talk and it's super embarrassing for him? I would like to see Boruto talking to kid Hinata during that arc, or maybe Naruto asking him how Borutso's mom is like, or maybe even how his sister is like...I don't know, just something like that. Sorry for the overly complicated request.

And if you don't like that request, how about Neji trying to be her "wingman" or something and trying to boost her confidence? Because I love supportive Neji so much.

"Hinata-sama, are you okay?"

There was an embarrassed sigh as she rubbed the arm that he'd just hit and nodded at her cousin. "Neji-niisan, yes. I'm sorry, I was a little slow in blocking your attack. I saw it, but I was just distracted. I thought I saw something at the gates."

Neji frowned, but not at her. He activated his byakugan and gazed at the place she'd thought she'd seen something. There, a blond head quickly slid out of view.

"Wait here, Hinata-sama," Neji said softly as he walked towards the gate.

He stopped a few paces from the boy's hiding place and called out, "Come out. We can see you, you know."

Boruto's head peeked sheepishly at the two of them. "Sorry! I was just passing by and I heard you guys. I didn't mean to eavesdrop!"

Hinata was quick to reassure him, this new visitor to Konoha who somehow made her feel at ease. "Oh, no! Don't worry Boruto. You weren't disrupting anything."

This made the pinched expression on Neji's face tighten. Actually, he was disrupting their daily practice, but if Hinata-sama didn't mind his presence, he would allow this Boruto character to stay—but only for a little bit.

In the next instant, though, Neji sighed as he heard somebody else following behind this intruder.

"Borutoooooooo!" Naruto was yelling as he ran down the street. "Why'd you leave in a hurry?! We weren't done yet!"

Boruto glanced back with annoyance and answered just as loudly, "I'm hungry! I need food."

"Oh!" came Hinata's soft expression, and already a pink flush was climbing up her cheeks as she watched Naruto running forward to meet them.

And Boruto suddenly felt himself flushing, too, because dammit, these "kids" were his parents.


Just the thought of it made him shudder, but he silently waited until Naruto reached all three of them. He glanced at the older Neji Hyuuga and realized that this was his uncle—or he would have been if he'd survived the war that his father often spoke about.

Boruto was curious as he noted the protective stance he held next to his mother... he shook his head. He needed to call her Hinata, but it felt so weird to call her that.

His father was finally close, a frown on his face as he squinted with displeasure at all of them.

"You left without saying anything! You know the Hokage said I'm supposed to be watching you! Give me a break, Boruto. Please don't give me trouble with Granny Tsunade! She punches like a madwoman!"

He glared at his father. "It's not my fault you keep getting in trouble. That's all on you!"

Naruto only glared back and sputtered in annoyance, but he caught sight of Hinata and he suddenly brightened. "Hinata!" A glance at her cousin made him add in a more subdued tone, "And Neji, too."

"Yes, and you guys are being rude interrupting a sparring session."

"A sparring session!" Naruto said with excitement. "Let me join!"

Neji shook his head. "No."

Naruto was about to protest, but Hinata was quick to dispel the tension. "Oh, you guys have good timing, Neji-niisan and I were about to take a break anyway," she said as she caught sight and pointed to the people who suddenly came out of the house.

They all glanced at the door where Natsu and Koh were carrying some drinks and snacks on trays.

She glanced at Boruto first and then more shyly at Naruto. Her pointer fingers were nervously tapping at each other as she softly asked, "D-do you guys want to join us?"

Boruto's jaw dropped. His mind couldn't comprehend his scary mother being this softly-spoken. But he was suddenly shoved aside when Naruto quickly walked up to Hinata's face and yelled his thanks as he accepted her impromptu invitation.

Neji smushed a hand over Naruto's face, forcing him back a few inches.

"That's close enough, Naruto."

"Mmmph," Naruto mumbled, but Hinata turned around, picked up a cup each, and handed them to him and Boruto.

Naruto slurped at the tea while Boruto drank his quietly, observing these three interact with each other.

Hinata smiled at him tentatively and said, "I hope you like tea."

Boruto beamed back at her. "Oh, I do! My mom makes it for us all the time."

"Oh, that's so nice of her," she whispered as she continued to gaze at him, encouraging him to talk with her lavender eyes that made Boruto suddenly think of her in the future—probably waiting anxiously for him and Sasuke to come home safely.

"I bet! She's probably a beauty! Your mom!" Naruto suddenly screeched at Boruto's ear. "What about your dad, though?"

"He's a pain in the ass," Boruto answered honestly, meeting blue eyes the exact same shade as his. "But he's got his good moments."

"Hahahaha!" Naruto continued chuckling even as he repeated, "Pain in the ass!"

But Boruto smiled as he thought of Himawari. "I have a younger sister, too. She's just like my mom, bright and beautiful. She's so cute I just want to protect her all the time."

Hinata smiled softly and even Naruto silently scratched his head.

Neji nodded and quickly glanced at Hinata, understanding exactly what Boruto meant.

Neji folded his arms and said, "You seem less suspicious for being a stranger to Konoha now that you've shared a little bit more about the people in your life."

"Yes," Hinata agreed with another soft, luminous smile.

Boruto suddenly felt homesick.

The people in my life.

But Naruto laughed and smacked a hand on his back and said, "Look at you! You are so lucky to have all those bonds!"

Boruto glared at him and rubbed the spot on his back where he'd been slapped, but Naruto's cheerful smile only brightened as he added, "Bonds to share with others, you know."

Boruto stopped rubbing his back and finally smiled back in response, helpless in the face of his father's younger, winsome smile.

Then he looked at his mother's face and then at his uncle's stern eyes gazing at him. Neji was still silent but never leaving her side.

"Yeah, bonds," Boruto said as he felt something shift in his heart as he stared at these three people who had played such a huge part in his life.

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