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I have a request if you're still taking, could you write menma and rtn hinata meeting naruhina?

The girl glared at Baki and curled her lips in distaste. "Hmph!" she said as she banged both palms on the table in front of her. "I told you I'm not answering any questions, you bastard."

"Hinata, mind your manners," the boy with the blond hair calmly said. He shook his head, and the long sideburns on each cheek shook with the movement.

"He's just asking questions because we're strangers here."

"Menma! I don't care! I just want to go back to Konoha! I hate it here. Plus I hate the desert! It's hot!"

So saying, she unzipped her jacket and allowed the folds of cloth to fall open, revealing her cleavage encased in a tight top that pretended to be chainmail.

"Konoha?" Baki gasped. He made eye contact with another shinobi standing guard by the door, and asked him, "Are those two still here?"

"Yes, sir. They're with Gaara at the moment."

"Maybe those two know this couple. Can you bring them here?"

Menma coolly raised a brow. "Are there citizens of Konoha here? This is Suna, you said? The Village Hidden in the Sand?"

"Yes," Baki answered the boy who said he was Menma Namikaze.

Namikaze was a name that was famous all over the world, but nobody had ever heard of a boy named Menma.

"Hmm." Menma wondered who these two shinobi who were supposedly from Konoha.

They came a few minutes later, and for some reason, Baki felt the need to give the four of them some privacy because Naruto was scratching his head, his eyes squinting at the figure sitting across from him wearing the same identical trainers. Their hairstyles, though, were different.

The scantily-clad girl beside the boy let out a loud guffaw when she saw him, slapping her hand on her exposed thigh when he walked into the room. "This guy's from Konoha? He's such a dork!"

Instantly incensed, Naruto yelled, "Who the hell are you calling a dork?"

"Naruto," Hinata said, a little intimidated by the girl glaring at her. "Calm down. We're just here to talk. She's not an enemy—at least, I think she's not."

"Oh!" Menma said as he looked at Hinata, the one who'd just walked in, the one speaking with such a pleasant tone. She seemed really nice.

Hinata saw his reaction and frowned. She clutched at his arm and looked at his face with puppy-dog eyes. "Menma! Do you think she's cute?"

"Hinata, no!"

Across from him, lavender eyes widened. "Your name's Hinata, too?"

Menma looked at the girl in front of him and the girl next to him and began to suspect something. He let this Hinata hang on to his arm because she was legitimately worried. Plus, it would make her angry if he even tried to get himself out of her grip. Instead, he watched as the other guy with the same eyes looked at the girls in turn. He was still squinting, scratching his cheek in puzzlement.

"Isn't that funny? Two girls with dark hair, lavender eyes, and purple outfits would have the same name?" he asked the girl beside him.

She frowned and gazed at Menma, at the girl by his side with the red lips clutching the arm possessively.

Hinata was starting to think this was not a coincidence. They were too similar. "Naruto, I think—"

"Naruto? What the hell kind of name is that? That's like a ramen ingredient!" Hinata with the crimson lips scoffed.

"Haaah? It's just as bad as Menma! That's even worse!" Naruto yelled.

"It's not! Menma's hot and you're just jealous!"

"I'm not! And I'm still mad at you for calling me a dork!"

"Well, I can't help saying the truth now, can I?!"

"I'm not a dork! In fact, I'm one of the coolest shinobi in Konoha!"

"Nobody cool says stuff like that, jerk!"

"Stop calling me names!"

"I'll stop when you stop being so dorky!"

"I told you I'm not a dork!" Naruto stood up, glared at her, and banged his hands on the table. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

At that, Menma's eyes widened and he stood up, too, drawing Naruto's attention. They stared at each other.

"Uzumaki?" Menma asked.

Naruto blinked. "Huh?"

Menma said, "My mom's name is—"

But at that moment, Baki banged into the room with Gaara and Chiyo-baa, who was already leaping into the air, legs kicked up.

"Hay-yah! Take that, you impostors!" she cried out while simultaneously weaving her hand seals. She landed a hit on Menma's unsuspecting back.

He turned around, Hinata with the opened jacket still clutching his arms. His startled face was the last thing everyone saw when they disappeared, Chiyo-baa's jutsu working to dispel the enchantment they were under.

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, they should be back in their own world now."

"What was that?" Naruto asked, his face still in a frown. "Who were they?"

Chiyo-baa flashed him a toothless grin. "Eh-heh, don't worry about it Naruto. You all weren't supposed to meet in this world."

Naruto walked over to Gaara. He cupped a hand over his mouth and whispered for Gaara's ears only, "Is she okay? She's not making any sense."

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