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drabblle request! if you dont mind that is 😅

How about Hinata arriving late to her mission and Kiba spots some weird "red marks" all over her body x)))


Can you pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeeee do a fluffy drabble of naruto being a clingy boyfriend?


Are you still accepting requests? Can you write a drabble where Hinata got playfully annoyed at Naruto for giving her a hickey when he is fully aware that she will be out on a mission the next day. XD Thank you! ❤️

Hinata angrily zipped up her top, almost trapping Naruto's fingers within the teeth of the zipper. She glared at him but he remained unrepentant. He'd offered to help her get ready this morning but his idea of "helping" had been to press kisses on her skin as she got dressed. First the inside of her arms when he'd held her shirt as she slipped it on. Then of course, his mouth had lingered on her collarbone and at the side of her neck.

Not to mention the ones he'd already inflicted on her from last night, she thought as she resolutely refused to look down on her legs where she'd felt him nip lightly when they'd been on his bed.

And he'd marked her, damn it! Those pink and red spots on her skin were embarrassingly obvious to everyone who could see.

Then this morning, Naruto simply wouldn't leave her alone.

As a result, she was now running late for this mission with Kiba and Shino, who were probably already at the Konoha gates.

"Naruto!" she yelled with exasperation as she tried to get his hands off her clothes, which were now roaming over the front of her shorts. "Stop it! I really have to go now!"

He grinned at her instead. "I'm just trying to help you with your shorts."

"Argh," she said, trying to hold on to her temper, but she was suddenly laughing because his hands were now inside the pockets of her shorts and squeezing at her hips.

"Just checking to see if you have your kunais."

"I don't keep them there!"

He took his hands out and said, "Oh, you're right. Whoops!"

But he bent down and squinted at the holster strapped to her right thigh. He slipped a finger into the strap, rubbed at her skin gently, then looked at her again with that teasing glint in his eyes. "Just want to make sure it's not too tight so your blood supply doesn't get cut off mid-mission."

She chuckled, but she was already opening the door to the shoe closet to grab her boots.

"Oh, yeah!" Naruto yelled as he quickly snatched them off her hands. "How could I forget the boots? Come on, then! I need to help you put these on, too."

So saying, he bent down again and took one slender calf and slipped on the boot. He did the same to the other leg and caressed his way up her calf and then to her thigh.

"Naruto—" she started saying, but he quickly cut off her protest with a kiss.

"Right, you're all done," he said as he ended the kiss. "You have been thoroughly inspected. I now proclaim you ready for your mission."

Instead of letting her out the door, though, he grabbed her hand with the intention of walking with her to the gates.

"No!" she shrieked. "You stay here! You're not coming with me to meet my team."

"What?" Naruto said with a pout.

Her expression became flushed and flustered as she brought her fingers up to tap them together nervously. "They're going to make fun of me again."

Naruto laughed and relented. "Fine. I won't go with you this time. Tomorrow, for sure." He looked at the clock. "But you better hurry because you're late!"

"Naruto!" she wailed. "Argh! You!"

But he couldn't let her leave the apartment without another kiss.

Hinata sprinted and she was huffing by the time she got to the gates.

Kiba had a frown on his face. "Jeez, Hinata! That's the third time this week that you're late!"

Shino looked on quietly, and Hinata flushed red when she saw his glasses linger at the tell-tale marks on her neck.

Kiba noticed, too, and said, "Don't tell me he's been 'helping' you again this morning?!"

Hinata's flush only deepened. She didn't answer, only said, "Let's go!" and then started walking.

But Kiba's deep sigh was clear for everyone to hear.

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