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drabble request in which we discover what Kurama thinks about Hinata. That would be soooo cuteeee


The blood-red eyes remained closed.


The eyes flickered with irritation behind closed lids, but the beast ignored his jinchuuriki.


"Whaaaaaaat?!" he finally roared in his most ferocious voice as he opened his eyes wide.

But Naruto only frowned at him.

"Well, if you're gonna be like that, then I don't want to talk to you."

"Don't make me kill you!"


"Yes? What the hell do you want?" Kurama asked as Naruto finally joined him in his plane.

Naruto lifted the book to his face and leafed through the page he wanted to read to Kurama. "Listen to this: 'She walked in beauty, like the night, reminding him of cloudless climes and starry skies. With his heart full, he thought she was all that was the best of the dark and bright. The aspect in her eyes mellowed to that tender light, which heaven could never deny.'"*

Naruto chuckled. "Ugh! This is horrible! How in the hell did Ero-sennin write this crap?! Are girls really like this?"

"Is it so hard to believe?" Kurama asked.


"You can't think of a particular girl that has beautiful eyes?"

Naruto scrunched up his face. "The only one I can think of is Hinata and it's just 'cause she's got the byakugan. The Hyuugas have that powerful doujutsu, after all."

"Idiot," Kurama mumbled, but Naruto didn't hear. He was rifling through the book trying to find another passage that had him puzzled.

"Where is it?" he was muttering to himself. "There was another one..."

"Are you supposed to be reading that?" Kurama asked. "Your mother told you to be careful with Jiraiya and that includes the stuff he's written, too."

Naruto looked up and frowned at him. "Yeah, but all of a sudden the guys are talking about Jiraiya's books. And what's more, they're talking about girls, too. Kiba met some girl named Tamaki. Chouji's been raving a lot about Karui from Kumo. Shikamaru mentions Temari all the time. And even Sai—Sai! He's talking about Ino like there's something about her that's more than being a friend."

There was a rumble of approval from the beast.

"What's the deal? I don't get it." Naruto was scratching his head.

Kurama snorted. "Of course not."

Naruto sighed in frustration and Kurama felt a little spurt of pity for this fool of a boy. The beast tried.

"Listen, you remember when your mom told you to go find a girl like her."

"What's that mean anyway?"

"A girl who will love you with all her heart, just as Kushina did with Minato."

Naruto frowned at him. "I guess?"

Kurama smiled. "Well, since Kushina was my jinchuuriki before you, I got to see what a normal couple could be."


"Yes, what you humans call boyfriend-girlfriend."


"So you mentioned a girl, who is a friend. This Hinata," Kurama prodded.

Naruto brightened.

Kurama felt a little burst of hope in him. He decided to give a little more encouraging push into that direction. "You know, she's lovely. She's always been very kind to you."

"Yep, Hinata's good like that."

"I like that she's quiet. She'll listen to whatever you have to say."

"Oh, yeah!"

"Yes, she's quiet." Kurama gave a long-suffering sigh. "And it would be nice if that part of her personality would rub off on you so you don't keep bothering me when I'm trying to find some peace."

"Kurama!" Naruto laughed. "I'm not that loud!"

Kurama's silence was eloquence itself.


"You know, Hinata cares about you and a girl like her is something your mother would approve of."

Naruto was nodding slowly. "Yes, she's very nice. I think Mom would really like her, too. But what's the point? They're never going to meet."

Which was unfortunate, Kurama thought sadly for Naruto.

"The point is, Hinata's got a lot of qualities that any human guy would love. She can be a very nice addition to your life, Naruto, someone to help you in the ways that a friend just can't."

"Pfft!" Naruto snorted in amusement. "Nah, I don't believe you. She and I don't have that relationship."

Another sigh from the beast. Patience, Kurama reminded himself then added a prayer on top of that. Oh, Sage of the Six Paths, grant me the strength.

He tried again. "Maybe you guys can spend more time together? Invite her along to do whatever you do?"

"And then what?"

Kurama was hanging on by a thread. "She's sweet so she won't laugh in your face. You can ask her that part yourself. She can maybe give you ideas of the things you can do together."

"Oh." Naruto looked like he was piecing it together. "Should I ask her about the stuff that Jiraiya wrote about in the book? I'm still trying to figure out the point he's making about girls. She's a girl. Maybe she can explain to me what it all means?"

This time, Kurama bared his familiar feral smile. "Yes, why don't you go and do that."

Naruto grinned. "Okay, I will!"

Sorry, girl, Kurama apologized to Hinata in his mind. But I'm out of patience with this child. Only you are the angel that can deal with this buffoon.

*lifted from the first stanza of Byron's very famous poem She Walks in Beauty.

I don't think it's crap, I think it's a wonderful poem!

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