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Can you write a drabble in which Naruto is out on mission and returning to the village while Hinata is giving birth? A fluffy moment maybe? Thanksss :)


Can you pretty pleaseee write a drabble for me? I was thinking about Naruto showing a new-born Boruto to Kurama. And at the biginning the Fox is sassy as usual but then it's all softy and sweet like "I can't believe you did such an amazing thing, kit". (Special mention to the vixen Hinata also?) Thank you so so much! ️

"Come on, Kurama, there's gotta be a way to get home faster!" Naruto muttered even as he flew through the trees with his sage mode and Kyuubi mode on.

Kurama sighed, but he was just as tense. "I wish you learned your father's sealing techniques so you can teleport."

Naruto grunted noncommittally.

"But this is the best we can do with what we have," the beast continued.

"Yes," Naruto answered, but he was already sensing and reaching out to Hinata in the hospital. He couldn't reach her, but he was still going to try.

In his pocket, a small version of Lady Katsuyu murmured reassuringly, "She's fine Naruto. Her water just broke, but she's with her sister and father at the hospital. Sakura says she hasn't started contractions yet. You'll be able to get to her in time."

Sakura and Tsunade had examined Hinata and made sure she was healthy and fine, but they had underestimated the timing of her delivery. Originally, they'd believed she would be due next month.

Kakashi had understood the importance of Naruto being there for the birth of their first child and had tried to keep Naruto's mission schedule light. And after talking with Tsunade and Sakura, the Hokage had also tried his best to keep Naruto as close to Konoha as possible.

Naruto hated being away on missions when Hinata had been so close to birth, but she'd understood the need Konoha had for him.

"Hanabi will be with me and my father's here, too," Hinata had told him before he'd left for this mission. "Sakura and Tsunade-sama have both promised to help me deliver the baby, so I'll be okay. Besides, Lady Katsuyu will be with you and will let you know if an emergency ever comes up."

And he was suddenly glad that the mystical slug was with him. They were only a day into this rescue mission when she'd suddenly announced Hinata's water breaking as soon as Sakura informed her.

Without thought, Naruto had abandoned the mission. But not before Sai, Lee, and Kiba had urged him to go back to Konoha. He knew the three would be okay and that the people who had asked for their help would be fine.

"She needs you, Naruto," Sai said.

"Go, already!" Kiba yelled.

Lee had literally kicked him in the butt to snap him out of his sudden comatose and panicked state.

"Thanks, guys!" he yelled gratefully as he flew off.

And as he made his way back home, he felt like he was the one giving birth because he heard Katsuyu's reassuring voice telling him to breathe.

"Okay, one deep breath. Let it out slowly, Naruto," she was saying. "You'll be fine. She'll be fine, too."

Naruto was bursting through the doors where Shinzune suddenly slipped some hospital gowns over him and was shouting at him which room to enter.

He could hear Hinata's cry of pain as a contraction reverberated through her.

He almost missed the room she was in because he couldn't stand hearing her in so much agony.

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