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Oooh I have a drabble request! So we know Naruto's been sleeping in the couch more often since becoming hokage. How about Hinata telling Naruto that she misses sleeping next to him a lot and finally convincing him to sleep next to her again?

Hinata sighed and reached for Naruto on the bed, only to find her fingers grasping at empty space.

She opened her eyes and looked at the clock. 3 a.m.

Slowly, Hinata got up, slipped on a cardigan, and headed downstairs towards Naruto's home office.

She opened the door a crack and saw him sprawled on the couch. He'd slept in his jacket, not bothering to take it off. His feet were hanging off the sofa's armrest while one arm hung slack over the side.

Quietly, Hinata approached him and looked down on his face when she got to his side. She knelt by the sofa, grasped his hand, and brought it to her cheek.

Naruto looked exhausted, skin pale from being stuck indoors all day at the Hokage office. His forehead was creased into a frown, and even in his sleep, the bags under his eyes were pronounced.

"Naruto, dear," she whispered, and still with his hand pressed to her cheek, she reached out and rubbed gently on his forehead, trying to erase the tense expression on his face.

It worked because he sighed and shifted slightly on the sofa. She thought she felt his hand tighten momentarily on her cheek.

"I wish you'd come up to bed," she started saying but was interrupted with one of her yawns. "You don't have to be so conscientious on my account. I don't mind it if you come to bed so late. I just want you back sleeping next to me."

He continued sleeping and Hinata watched him until her own eyes felt drowsy and she had no choice but to lay her head on the sofa, her forehead resting against his side. For some reason, she didn't want to go up to their bedroom and be by herself. It would remind her too much that she was lonely. She would rather stay here even if she was going to be uncomfortable in her sleep.

"I miss you, Naruto," she whispered before her eyes closed.


"I miss you, Naruto."

Deep in his mind, he heard her voice and he struggled to throw off the exhaustion that held him in its grip. He could feel her calling out to him, and he fought the darkness to reach her.

His hand felt the warmth of her skin first. After years of marriage, he knew exactly how she felt. And he felt the press of her cheek against his palm as he felt her sigh.

He opened his eyes and realized that he was at home, on the couch in his office. He must have fallen asleep here again, but as he looked to the side, he found Hinata kneeling beside the sofa, her cheek pillowed in his hand as she breathed evenly.

He wondered how many times she'd done that these past few months. Every time he woke up in the morning, he'd find himself covered with a blanket—that she probably threw over him when she came to check on him in the middle of the night.

But this was the first time he'd woken up to see her here. He never actually felt her those times because he was just so exhausted.

Something she said had reached him, had conveyed her wish to have him back in their bedroom.

Naruto slowly sat up and looked down at his wife. She didn't look comfortable, but the expression on her face was peaceful.

And he felt again her call for him because he felt the same way about her.

Maybe he should stop sleeping on the couch because he didn't particularly enjoy it. Every time he did, he would wake up with a stiff neck and his body aching all over. Something just felt off. And he realized that something was the presence of Hinata beside him.

He looked at her again and his soul suddenly felt lighter, the heavy feeling of fatigue suddenly disappearing as he saw how her lashes fanned across her cheekbones, and the way her hand continued to hold his while she pressed it against his cheek.

Yes, he knew his place.

Slowly, he picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom.

Starting tonight, he would make more of an effort to join her on the bed.

He placed her on the bed and slipped beside her after he shrugged off his jacket.

And his heart rejoiced to feel her arms wrap around him as she tucked herself more firmly against his body.

He kissed her on the head. "I'm home, Hinata."

"Welcome back, Naruto," she murmured with a sigh.

He smiled.

Yes. This was exactly where he belonged.

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