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(1) I have a request, maybe you could do when NH started dating, Naruto was still popular with his fangirls, they made Hinata feel a bit uncomfortable and sad, but Naruto reassures her that she'll always be the one he loves. Thank you!

(2) Can you write one about Hinata being shy because Naruto is surrounded by his fangirls but she's actually the only one he sees? ? If you can't that's no problem at all. Thank youuu ️

"Psst! Naruto-niichan!" Konohamaru hissed and beckoned him with a wave.

Naruto looked at Konohamaru with a puzzled glance. His hold on Hinata's hand tightened as they started walking toward the younger boy, but Konohamaru shook his head.

"Only you, Nii-chan!" he yelled in panic.

Hinata smiled and nodded at Naruto, who approached Konohamaru with a frown on his face.

"What's up?"

Konohamaru glanced furtively behind Naruto at the waiting Hinata before he dropped a thick stack of letters bound in a red string into his senpai's hand.

"These are for you, from your fangirls. Ever since you started dating Hinata-neechan, I've been getting them." Konohamaru glared at him. "It's so annoying that they've all asked me to deliver them to you."

"I don't want them!"

"I don't, either!" Konohamaru walked away before Naruto could give them back.

With a disgusted snort, Naruto walked back to Hinata's side and smiled down at her.

She glanced at the letters he held by the string.

"Did Konohamaru give that to you?" she asked.

A flash of hurt flickered over her face when she saw the girlish handwriting on top. Of course. From the many women who still felt the need to let him know their feelings.

But she rallied and shook her head. It can't be helped. These things happen. It was only natural that he would have many admirers. He was a hero. He was friendly. He was good-looking.

Hinata could understand their infatuation because she found him handsome, too. Even now, she still found it hard that he wasn't reveling in the constant admiration and attention he'd been getting, and she would have forgiven him that.

She looked at his profile and sighed inwardly. She dropped her eyes to the ground as they continued walking, but she couldn't help her eyes from straying again to the stack of letters in his hand.

If only, she wished, they would just stop. It would give her some peace of mind to not have to worry so much about her losing his attention. There were just so many girls out there who were more interesting than she was.

Naruto noticed the dip in her mood and his eyes drifted down to the offending object he held in his hands.

He sighed. Really, this was so annoying.

"Hinata?" He asked and she looked up at him with a smile that tried to hide the hurt she was feeling.

He took her hand and grinned at her. "Here. I'll give these letters to you. You can do whatever you want with them. You can cut them up, shred them into little pieces, burn them. Whatever you want."

She blinked at him in surprise. "What?! You're not going to read them?"

"No!" was his immediate answer.

"You're not curious at all, what the girls have written to you?"

He was shaking his head then he snorted. "Hinata! What's the point? Unless they're discussing something about a mission with me, I don't really listen to what other women say when they're talking."

She continued gaping at him.

"Hinata, my heart and my mind is so full of you I don't think there's any room for another woman."

It was true.

Even during this date, Hinata had noticed the glances that all the girls were flashing at him. And even Hinata, who could be just as dense as Naruto when it came to romance, had seen their very blatant attempts to get his attention.

But Naruto had remained blind to everything. He chatted with her as if none of the girls were whispering about him. He smiled at her as if their attempts to cross in front of them didn't penetrate his mind. He continued holding her hand as if the girls waving at him didn't exist.

As if she was the only one who mattered.

And to prove it, he held her close and leisurely kissed her in front of the entire village.

He continued kissing her until all the girls turned away, finally understanding his message that nobody would ever grab and capture his attention that way Hinata could.

"Happy now?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered as she dumped the stack of letters into a trash can.

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