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mayhaps I could request a little personality swap for our lovely otp? 😏


Let's see...for requests...how about the Konoha 11 sensei meeting up for a get-together or something and Kakashi and Kurenai end up talking about the silly situation between our clueless Naruto and shy Hinata? Set sometime after Naruto comes back from his training trip with Jiraiya?

"Whew!" Kakashi breathed as he flopped onto the chair next to Asuma.

Kurenai frowned at him and raised a brow at Asuma, but her boyfriend said nothing to their friend who was interrupting their date.

Kakashi, whose hobby was trolling for fun, smiled at the both of them. He knew what he was doing, but he just needed someone to hear him complain about his student, who was back in Konoha after having trained with Jiraiya for two years.

He raised an arm high to get the waiter's attention. When he came, Kakashi ordered three bottles of sake.

Asuma frowned at him then. "Kakashi! It's the middle of the day! We shouldn't be drinking!"

"We?" Kakashi smiled underneath his mask. The look he flashed Asuma was sly. "I never said I was sharing my drink."

Kurenai laughed. "He's right," she told Asuma, but the next question was addressed to Kakashi. "So what's the deal?"

She ignored Asuma's furious shake of the head. "No! Yuuhi! Don't get Kakashi started!"

Kakashi took a deep breath and then a drink of his sake. "What else? The biggest headache in my life: Naruto."

She laughed, and even Asuma smiled with sympathy.

"He's back and he's still a major pain in the ass." Kakashi took another sip.

Asuma frowned again. "Still, that shouldn't mean you should drink this early in the day, though!"

Kakashi only grabbed two sake cups and filled them to the brim. He passed them to Kurenai and Asuma. "We're jounin—and tokubetsu jounin at that. We're special so we can do anything we want!"

Kurenai laughed and grabbed her sake cup. She drowned it in one gulp. "True!"

An hour later, Asuma was slumped on the table while Kurenai was shaking the empty bottle—their fourth one. She made eye-contact with a passing waiter and pointed to their table. "More sake over here!"

Kakashi was still complaining. "You know he almost gave away the ending to Icha Icha Tactics?! I could have killed him for that stunt!"

"Yeah, yeah! I hear you Kakashi! Naruto's still loud, brash, and obnoxious, even after Jiraiya spent all this time improving him. He hasn't changed much since he was younger, got it. But do you want to hear about my students? My baby, Hinata?"

Kakashi ordered two more bottles and told her to continue.

"You know Hinata's been in love with your Naruto all this time, right?"

"Yup. We know, but I doubt he'll figure it out on his own."

"Why is he this dense?"

"Kurenai! You're asking me?! Like I would know how this boy thinks."

"Does he even think?"

Kakashi laughed. "Yes, he does. He's a good shinobi, but you know how terrible he is with romance, relationships, etc."

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