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If it isn't too much trouble, would it be possible to put together a Drabble that features Konohamaru X Hanabi in tandem with Naruhina. I think it might be cute to see Naruto's figurative younger brother and Hinata's younger sister interact and bounce off of the Naruhina Couple.

"You guys were seen necking and being all handsy with each other at the park! What do you have to say to that?" came the disapproving tone of the man with blue eyes.

Lavender eyes flashed with disbelief. "Really? Are you going to play that card? Because I can't even count the many times I've caught you and Onee-sama doing the same thing when you guys started dating."

"Hanabi!" came her older sister's mortified screech.

His eyebrows pulled into a frown and Naruto cleared his throat with some discomfort. "This isn't about us. This is about you and Konohamaru. It's fine with me because everybody thinks I'm an idiot, but you and Konohamaru still have reputations to protect."

"Reputations?!" she asked with disbelief.

"Yes. You're the heir to the Hyuuga clan and Konohamaru is the leader of the Sarutobis," but he amended that with a smile. "Although I think Mirai will try to fight for that claim in the future."

Hanabi only folded her arms and raised a brow.

Naruto continued scolding her. "You're usually very careful about these things, Hanabi? I don't get why you guys can't go about conducting your relationship more decorously."

Hanabi was looking at him like he'd grown two heads. "Decorously?!"

He frowned at her.

Hanabi continued her accusation. "Are you the same Naruto-niisama who developed the famous Sexy Jutsu? And the same Naruto-niisama who taught it to Konohamaru? The same Naruto-niisama who trained under an Ero-sennin?!"

This time, Naruto blushed. But he blinked and rallied. "That was the younger me. I'm older now and have more responsibilities. I've got you and Konohamaru to think about now. You're my sister-in-law and he's basically my brother."

She snorted then waved her hands in the air. "An unnecessary bother. Don't worry about us, Konohamaru and I will be fine."

Naruto only folded his arms. "And it's not just at the park, too. You were seen making out everywhere! At the bluff over the Hokage monument, at the Aum gates after your missions, at the path that led to the hot springs, at the Hokage tower, at the main bridge over the river, and even at the entrance to the hospital!"

"Naruto-niisan, you forgot the waterfall by the Shrine."

He smiled. "Oh, yeah! But that spot is nice isn't it, though? It's dark and romantic. Nobody ever goes there so it's the perf—"

"Naruto!" came Hinata's disapproving voice.

"Oh, sorry, Hinata!" he said as he reached out an arm, pressed a kiss on top of her head, but still with that unrepentant smile he'd flashed her younger sister earlier.

And then his face became serious again when Hinata looked at him—but not before Hanabi caught the quick wink he sent her but hid from her older sister's gaze.

She tamped down the amusement in her as she played along to his game. They were doing this for her sister's sake and for Konohamaru's, too—once he showed up. As the direct descendant of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru did have a little bit of a reputation to protect.

Hanabi sighed. Nii-sama was right.

Lots of people had shown disapproval at how their relationship had developed, how that sudden spark that exploded between her and Konohamaru had overflowed so much that they couldn't control the feelings of affection that gripped them. Uncaring, they'd started making out whenever they felt like it.

But it made some of the villagers uncomfortable enough to complain to Naruto and Hinata, who everyone felt were the only ones who could control the rampaging hormones that had flared up between the two teens.

"Hanabi, just be careful and try to really keep it private between the two of you guys."

Hanabi sighed again. "Yes, Nii-sama and Onee-sama."

She bowed herself out of the living room of her home and walked into the courtyard.

"Is it done?" Konohamaru whispered from behind the tree when she was finally close to his hiding spot.

"Yeah, come out you coward."

He nodded. "I know, Hanabi, and I'm sorry I left you by yourself to face them, but I just don't want your sister yelling at me. She's the nicest person in the world and I hate the feeling I get when I disappoint her."

She grinned at him. "But it's okay to do it to Naruto-niisama?"

"Oh, Nii-chan's never serious and I know he doesn't care."

"Still, though, he's got a point," she said and proceeded to tell him what Naruto had wanted to discuss with her.

"Yeah, I guess we should really be careful from now on," he said. Then he looked at the orange kimono she wore and flashed her a grin.

"By the way, Hanabi, you look really cute today."

"Oh?" she asked.

His smile only widened.

And then they were all over each other again, kissing—right in front of gates to the Hyuuga compound.

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