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Can you pretty please with a cherry on top, write a fluff drabble where Hinata realizes how _small_ their children are when they're in Naruto's arms?

"Naruto, are you really sure?" Hinata asked for the fifth time as she stood at the doorway.

"Hinata!" he answered with a grin. "Are you saying I can't handle the kids on my own? You're only going to be gone for a day. Go have fun with Hanabi and the rest of the girls!"

He leaned over and gave her a hug, pulling her closer when her arms tightened around his waist.

"Thank you so much for this," she whispered. "But if anything happens, ju—"

His lips were over hers, cutting off the rest of her worries as he tried to reassure her that the three of them could handle a day without her. She, meanwhile, needed a carefree break away from her family responsibilities.

"Hinata, we will be fine," he murmured against her lips then he brushed soft kisses over cheeks before planting a loud, smacking one on her forehead that made her laugh softly and then sigh against his neck.

"You better go before the kids wake up," he said as he rubbed her arms and smiled at her again. "If Boruto sees you, you know it'll make you late to meet up with the girls 'cause he'll cry and won't let you go."

"Okay," she finally said as she slid her sandals on, but then she smiled at him and added, "I think you might cry and won't let me go."

"How do you know I won't do that when that door closes behind you?" he teased.

She laughed again, and after one last hug and one last kiss, finally left the house and made her way to meet up with the girls for the birthday trip they'd planned for Ino.

It was a day meant to celebrate one of her dearest friends, and Hinata did her best to join the other women in their fun. Their tightly packed schedule centered around a relaxing day off at an onsen that had newly opened a few months before. Ino and Tenten had managed to make reservations for the three of them plus Sakura, Temari and Hanabi, who had jumped at the chance to spend time with the older girls.

A morning of shopping for Ino's gift was followed by a leisurely lunch at the onsen's restaurant, and then finally the afternoon soaking in the healing waters.

"Earth to Hinata!" Tenten said as she poked Hinata on the side, causing Hinata to gasp and blink. She came back to the present, her thoughts abruptly torn away from the family waiting for her in Konoha, and back to this natural hot spring, where everyone was now staring at her with a knowing grin.

"They're fine!" Sakura said with an understanding smile. "You'll see them in a couple of hours so relax and enjoy the water some more. This might be the last time in a long time we're all going to be together."

"That's true," Hinata responded with a start, but still, that didn't mean she didn't think about Naruto and the kids in the back of her mind as they made one final stop at a cafe. She then ate the luscious cheesecake and drank her coffee before they all finally headed back to the village.

"I'm home," Hinata called out eagerly as she took off her shoes and dropped the bags of souvenirs on the hallway floor.

She couldn't wait to see them, but she was puzzled by the lack of response to her greeting.

And then she found out the reason why when she walked into the living room.

All three were sprawled on the carpet, sleeping.

Naruto was their bed, the two children atop his warm chest. One-year-old Himawari was wrapped in his left arm and Boruto anchored to his right side. Quiet snores filled the room as all three slumbered in exhaustion.

Carefully, Hinata made her way and hunched down to look at them, to simply stare in quiet gratitude at the people she loved best in the world. The baby still had her pacifier in her mouth, but her little hand was over Naruto's shirt, right over the collar. Boruto's blond head was tucked solidly under his father's chin, left cheek pressed against those wide, reassuring shoulders that had once carried the lives of so many people, the fate of the world.

But in this home, Hinata blinked back the tears that suddenly formed in her eyes as she watched Naruto's arms press his children closer to his chest when he gave one sleepy, happy, satisfied sigh.

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