Part 18

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After leaving the bistro, we went to the mall. Hey, I always love shopping, so I had no complaints. 

“So how’s your boyfriend?” Anaya asked me as we strolled down the crowded walkway of the mall. 

“Good, I guess. Sometimes I just feel like I put all my burdens on him. He’s already in the spotlight and me and my problems aren’t helping him feel like a real teenager, I can tell,” I shrugged. “But we have this connection that gives me butterflies just thinking about it,” I smiled.”Oh! And last night, I had this dream about him-” 

“Is it the kind of dream I’m thinking about?” Anaya asked, making a suggestive face as we turned into Forever 21. I nodded, hiding my face. 

“It’s normal,” she laughed. I groaned in response. We had already picked out pieces of clothing and were headed to the dressing rooms. I tried on the cute tribal printed dress I picked out. It was very form-fitting. Hmm, I’ve got a nice butt! I giggled to myself. I stepped out of my stall to look in a full body mirror. I did a little pose and smiled.  

“Damn baby, can I get them digits?” Nae said in a deep voice. I giggled. 

“You can definitely get my digits in that outfit,” I told her playfully. She had on a leopard print short sleeved top tucked in a knee-length pencil skirt. 

“We’re buying these!” She told me.

“Agreed,” I responded, walking back to change. When I was redressed, I walked out to see Anaya waiting patiently. She was talking to some girl, telling her how great her figure was and she should stop being self conscious. I chuckled. Nae could start a conversation with anyone. We walked to the register and bought our clothes. 

“When our boyfriends see us in these...they’ll wanna give us the D!” Anaya said loudly as we walked out of the store. 

“You’re lame,” I laughed. “Anyway, where to?” I shouldn’t have asked because I got dragged everywhere and I ended up spending more than I had intended to.

“Okay, that’s my exercise for the day,” I huffed, carrying all of my bags. 

“Stop being a wimp,” Nae smiled, dragging me by my arm. “Now, let’s go meet up with the parents so we can go home and have dinner.” I frowned. 

“Yay,” I said sarcastically. She laughed. 

“Oh come on, it’s not that bad,” she retorted. 

“That’s cuz you don’t live there anymore,” I explained. We met everyone at the entrance when I realized I had left Tia’s jacket. She is very persuasive, so I ended up carrying it. 

“I’ll be right back, I have to get Tia’s jacket guys, meet you at the car,” I hurried back into the mall and picked up her pink jacket from the arcade. As I was walking to the parking lot, my phone was ringing. It was Chres.

“Hey baby,” I answered. 

“Hey, you busy tomorrow?” He asked me. 

“I have a photo shoot in the morning,” I responded. 

“Well, are you up to going out on a date with me?” He asked. Is that nervousness I sense in his voice? I grinned, completely excited. 

“Yes, I’d love to!” I enthused. I heard him sigh in relief and I laughed internally. He’s so damn cute. 

“Okay, cool! I’ll pick you up around 6,” he told me. 

“Wait, what should I wear?” I inquired. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now