Part 1O :D

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“You’ve got a kid?” My dad asked me, his jaw clenching. 

“Oh my word, no. She’s almost six years old and I got my period in sixth grade when I was twelve, so the math doesn’t add up. I already told you I’m a virgin!” I don’t know why his question pissed me off as much as it did. . .but I was feeling defensive. 

“Well why is she here?” Mom asked. 

“I’ll talk to you later, big kid stuff. I just wanted to introduce you guys. Tia, you can turn the TV on in my room while I talk to them, kay?” I asked. 

“Sure,” she skipped up the stairs. I turned towards my parents and explained Tia’s situation. 

“So what? You trying to keep her?” My mom asked. 

“No, I don’t want her in this fucked up house,” I mumbled to myself. 

“What was that?” Dad asked. 

“I’m gonna search for a foster home, that’s actually good,” I told them. “Just thought I’d let you know she’s gonna be here for a while.” I turned to walk away. 

“Ava! Wait! Is everything okay? We haven’t talked in a while,” my dad said. I smiled plastically. 

“I’m fine. I’m gonna go find Tia something to wear to bed.” I walked up the stairs and saw Tia holding Allen in a headlock. 

“Wait-what? What happened?” I asked, pulling Tia off of Allen. 

“He called me a little princess!” She pouted. 

“Why’s that a bad thing?” I asked her. 

“Yeah princess?” Allen teased. My eyes bugged out as Tia charged at him. 

“Whoa! Okay, bye Allen!” I pointed to the door. When he left, I looked towards Tia. She doesn’t look like she’s gonna go to sleep any time soon. . . She was a tom boy, obviously didn’t like being called a princess. 

“I know I’m cute, but don’t call me that,” she kept repeating herself. I was laughing because that was about the sixth time she said that. 

“You know I heard you the first time, right?” I smiled at her. She put her hand on her hip. “Are you sleepy?” I asked her. She shook her head quickly. 

“I’m hungry!” She told me. 

“You just ate McDonalds an hour ago, kid,” I replied. 

“But that was forever ago!” Tia pouted at me. I sighed. 

“Okay, we’ll get food, then bathe, and then sleep. I have work in the morning!” I explained as she nodded her head. 

Getting up and modeling early in the morning after Tia kept me up until 2am was harder than I thought it would be. I dropped her off at the public library with my granny so she’d have someone watching her while I was gone. 

“Ava, you alright?” Sydney, my makeup artist asked me. 

“Yeah, I’m great, why?” 

“You seem kinda down,” she shrugged, applying blush to my cheeks. 

“Nope, I’m good!” I replied. She put the finishing touches on my makeup and I went to wardrobe. This photo shoot was more about yoga pants, sweats, and shirts. In other words, I wasn’t half naked. When I was done, I went to buy Tia a few outfits and then the library to pick her up. 

“Thanks for this granny, I know she’s a handful,” I said. 

“Sho’ is. She is bad as hell,” my granny laughed. “It was good finally seeing you again though. I’m so proud of you darling. You’re beautiful,” she hugged me. 

“Aw, well you should come over for dinner sometime, I think mom needs to see you,” I told her. She nodded. When I finally got home, I changed into comfy clothes and plopped on the couch. 

“Ava, it’s lunch time!” Tia said, jumping on my back.

“Okay,” I groaned. She got off of me and poked my face. Slowly, but surely, I got up and headed to the kitchen. When I say nothing was in that kitchen. . . I kept looking until I found a single box of Kraft macaroni. 

“We’re eating this,” I told her. 

“Yum!” She giggled. I smiled at her. “Can I watch TV?” She asked. 

“Sure, go in the living room,” I told her. 

As I was finishing Ava’s food, the doorbell rang. I opened it to see Chres! 

“Hi! I miss you!” I hugged him. 

“I miss you too,” he laughed, hugging me back. 

“Um, come in, I was just about to feed Ava.” I told him. He sat down at the kitchen table as I fixed her food. 

“Damn, ma, whatchu tryna do?” I turned around to see Chres licking his lips. 

“What do you mean?” I asked him. 

“Those spandex shorts. . .” he smirked. I swatted my hand at him before taking Tia her food in the living room. When I walked back in the kitchen, I sat next to him and kissed him. 

“I need you to help me with something,” I bit my lip, my voice seductive. He swallowed hard. 

“Okay, what is it?” He asked, licking his lips. I put my forehead against his. 

“Let’s google foster homes!” I grinned. His whole aura deflated. I ran to get my laptop and when I came back to the kitchen, Chres was still pouting. I grabbed his hand and led him to the living room so we could keep an eye on Tia. 

“Okay, if you help me, we can play later,” I winked at him, sitting down on the couch. He followed like a puppy.

“Roc Royal!” Tia squealed. He smiled at her, waving. 

“How are you Tia?” He asked her. 

“You know my name? You know. . .name. . .” Tia was spazzing the hell out. I guess she forgot she told him her name on the video chat. 

“Will you tell Ray Ray I love him. . .again? I love you, but I love him the most!” 

“Oh, burn,” I laughed. He turned towards me with a glare. I grinned cheekily back. 

“I’ll tell him, okay?” He told Tia. She nodded quickly with a huge grin on her face. I found an interesting looking foster home. 

“Babe, look at-ugh, what the heck? Get off of me fatty!” I giggled as Chres laid on me. I melted as he smiled at me. I saved the number of a few foster homes before taking Tia up to my bed. She was half asleep as I put one of Allen’s T-shirts on her. I grabbed my Spongebob blanket and laid on the couch with Chres. 

“I’m tired,” I groaned, burying my face into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me and he lifted my leg, pulling our pelvises together. I moaned quietly and looked up, giving him a kiss. He bit my bottom lip before sliding his tongue in my mouth. In one swift movement, he was on top of me and my back was against the couch cushions. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips trailed down my jaw and neck. He sucked the skin on my neck and I lifted his shirt, feeling his sculpted torso. Lord, he’s so sexy. 

“So, I tell you I’m tired and you make me horny?” I asked him. He smirked up at me. 

“I’m making you horny?” He asked back. I rolled my eyes. I say things I shouldn’t out loud when I’m sleepy. 

“Shut up, I’m sleepy,” I whined, giggling a little. So, we laid back in our earlier position and talked about anything and everything. His hands were still wandering, and if I wasn’t so sleepy, we’d probably be doing something we weren’t supposed to be! Before I knew it, I was asleep in his arms on my couch.

A/N: OMFGGGG it's the big 10! *tear* I'd like to thank my parents for having sex. . .wait, ew no. (/.\) Um, I'd like to thank my parents for creating such an awesome kid ^.^ Shpanks to my readers you guys are amazing :D And remember: Stay mindless 24/7 no matter what! *Princeton voice* 

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