Part 4

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When I got home, my mom fucking interrogated me. 

“Where were you?” She asked. 

“With my new friends, mom,” I droned. 

“What did you eat,” she asked. Ugh, here we go. It’s not like I’m good at lying. 

“Subway,” it came out as more of a question and I slapped myself in the forehead. She arched a brow at me and gave me that little-girl-you’ve-got-three-seconds look. Damn! 

“Okay, mom, you see what had happened was-” 

“Little girl, don’t feed me no bullshit!” Lord, this woman needs an overdose of chill pills. I groaned. 

“I was eating-” 

“Hey Ava, I need to talk to you about something urgent!” My dad called. I smiled apologetically at my mom as I headed to my dad’s study with a huge grin on my face. When I walked in I gave him a hug. 

“Pound it!” I whispered, so mom wouldn’t hear. We did an explosive fist pound. “So, what’d you have to talk to me about?” I asked him. 

“Your father called today, looking for you,” My whole mood instantly deflated. 

“You mean Marcus?” I asked. He nodded. I guess I never explained this. . . My dad, is my step-dad and my biological father is Marcus. I never thought of him as a step-dad though, because he was there when I needed him the most. Marcus was a drunk. He abused my mother and I actually had a fear of knives until I was ten because I saw him pull a knife on her when I was three. I was fucked up in the head from all the crazy mess he did. That’s when they parted, when I was three, but me and Anaya still went to visit him. We thought every thing would be okay, until once when I was seven, he got drunk at a party and my uncle drove him home. He was knocked out. I remember just sitting at the foot of his bed, crying my heart out because I thought he was dead. Nope, he just had too much to drink. Why would I ever want to speak to him again? He scarred me for life. I was traumatized.

“Sweetheart, you okay?” I escaped from my thoughts as my dad spoke to me. I nodded. 

“What does he want?” I asked. 

“He wants to see you,” he told me. I shook my head. Why now? Because I was rising above any expectations he had for me. 

“Nope,” I said, “not now, not ever. It’s too late. . . Why, now all of a sudden that I’m actually going some where in life he wants to contact me? I don’t need him in my life right now, I really don’t!” By the end I was crying, and my dad pulled me into a hug. Every time Marcus was brought up, memories were brought up that I didn’t want to remember, that I had blocked out. He just came with an emotional roller coaster, one that I had been off of and planned on stayinf off of. 

“Okay, it’s alright. I won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” my dad comforted me. This is why I didn't need Marcus. My dad treated me like a princess. And even though he doesn't agree with my mom about this modeling thing, he lets me do it because he wants us to be happy. The one thing I really appreciated, was how he didn't expect me, Anaya, or Allen to change ourselves. My mom was a different story. He was a good dad and I didn't need that bum fucking it up. When I left my dad's office, man cave thingy, I walked straight to my room. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially my mom. I felt drained, and I had a head ache from crying. So, I hopped in the shower and then went to bed. 

That next morning, I woke up to someone yanking the covers off of me. 

“What the fu-frank?” I fixed my language as I noticed it was my mother. 

“Mom? What are you doing?” I asked. It was too damn early for this. 

“I got in contact with your little friends. So you ate Mexican food yesterday? Carbs, carbs, carbs,” she said, tapping her foot. Okay, what the actual fuck? 

“Okay, I’m sorry, won’t happen again,” I said, turning away from her. 

“Nope! Get up! We’re gonna work out today!” She threw an outfit at me. “Put this on and be down stairs in ten.” This woman is trippin. When I was done getting dressed, I walked downstairs to see my mom holding a glass of raw eggs. Okay, I know like hell, she is not expecting me to drink that. 

“This is for you,” she handed me the glass. 

“Okay, give me like five minutes and I’ll scramble them,” I challenged her. I hardly ever challenged my mom, but she was trying to kill me. Eggs have salmonella. Ew, no. We argued for about ten minutes until she finally gave it up. Thank the Lord. She had me running miles and doing all kinds of crazy BS. By the time we were done, I felt like I was gonna die. 

“Oh my word, my legs are jelly,” I groaned to myself. I went to take a shower and get ready for the day. I didn’t think my body was too bad, but apparently, my mom thought otherwise. I growled and threw a pillow across the room. Couldn’t be angry at my interviews today. I had like four today. 

At the end of the day, I was talking on the phone with Prince.

"Oh my word I'm so sore," I whined like an injured pteradactyl.

"It's Roc's fault isn't it?" He teased. I was confused at first. What does he mean, was it Roc? That doesn't make any sense. Why would I be sore if I was hanging out with-oh! I laughed. Dirty.

"You're slow," Princeton told me. 

"You're ugly," I retorted. 

"I'm ugly huh? That's why you were crushing on me?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. Okay, so he's not ugly. 

"Ugly people need love too," I still argued. He laughed at that. 

"What ever you say," he wasn't convinced. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sore cuz my crazy mother woke me up and put me through some hardcore boot camp conditioning garbage. Who cracked and told her, anyway?" I asked. Prince laughed. 

"Prod," he said. I laughed and shook my head. Prodigy was a bad liar, just like me. "We weren't expecting her to take your phone and call him," he told me. I groaned. That's embarrassing. Prince and I kept talking until I heard a beep. 

"Prince, one sec, I got a call," I told him. 

"Oh, I gotta go, anyway," he said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Hello?" I answered the other caller.

“Aye, is this Ava Milan?” Some guy asked. 

“Chup, this is she. Who am I speaking to?” I asked. 

“This is Diggy, Diggy Simmons. I don’t know if your manager told you, but we’re gonna be in a music video together, and I thought it’d be great if we could chill, lunch maybe? You know, get comfortable with each other,” he said. I nodded, wide-eyed until I remembered he couldn’t see me. 

“Oh, that sounds fantastic,” I enthused. I'm not gonna lie, I was smiling huge.

“Alright, cool. I’ll text you later,” he said. 

“Okay, bye.” 

“See ya, ma.” I blushed. He called me ma. I sighed dreamily. There’s too many sexy guys in this industry. 

A/N: Whoa, lots of dialouge :o Sorry bout that! Ava's got a little more to her than y'all thought huh? & Okay, Digg, I see you. Trying to flirt and ish. ;D

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