Part 24

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I opened my eyes and I was sitting in a pitch black room. I looked around for any source of light in panic. I stood up and started to walk blindly. 

“Ava!” I heard a deep voice as a light was shined on me. 

“What the hell?” I said, squinting my eyes. My sight zeroed in on Chres and I ran towards him but an invisible force held me back. 

“Chres, what’s going on?” I panicked, trying to run to him. He just smiled at me. 

“Your efforts are useless. This is your trusted me too easily. I know how easy it is to get on your good side,” his voice was like ten octaves deeper and he had an evil grin on his face. 

“Chres, what’s happening?” I called out to him as Javier reached out and grabbed me, dragging me away from the invisible wall between Chresanto and I. 

“You did this to yourself,” Chres told me as I screamed for him as Javier dragged me away. I woke up with a jolt, and sweat beading down my forehead. 

“Ava, you good?” Chres asked me, tightening his grip around me. I shrugged and cuddled closer to him, trying to control my breathing and dry my tears in his shirt. 

“Ava?” He called my name again. 

“I just had a weird dream,” I told him, not removing my face from his chest. He rubbed my back and I was glad he didn't ask what it was about. Right after our conversation Prince busted in the door loudly.

“Are you nasties...decent?” He asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes. 

“It wasn’t even like that. We fell asleep, or at least I did,” I told him, looking at Chres’s wide awake features. I probably look like death, I groaned mentally.

“But it’s just now five pm,” he retorted, “sure you aren’t tired from any extra activities?” He asked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. My cheeks flushed.

“I haven’t slept well in the past two days, so shut up Prince,” I responded, embarrassed. 

“Ooh, she told you!” Chres chuckled, instigating. I giggled too. 

“You’re lame,” I stated. I looked back up at Prince, “And you’re clever,” I awarded him. 

“You know how I do,” Prince shrugged. “You guys could’ve easily pressed the button for the automatic door though. Can you say slow?” He finished, laughing. I glared at him. I got up and walked towards the door. 

“I have to pee,” I stated, leaving to the bathroom. I frowned at my appearance when I looked in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was all effed up. My lip was also roughly chewed up, but that was my fault. I look a hot mess bro. Why didn’t anyone tell me I look so rough? I ran a comb through my hair and pulled it into a braid. I also brushed my teeth and washed my face. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to calm this anxiety, which was always threatening to escape. My thoughts were drifting towards my dream. I kept my cool though. I mean, it was just a dream, right? I need time to think. I came out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. 

“I have to go back to my hotel now,” I told the two boys sitting in my kitchen. I looked at Chres’ every movement. Do I trust him too much?

“Aight, I’ll call you later,” Chres told me, dismissing me from my thoughts.

“On your own phone?” I teased as Prince cracked up. Chres rolled his eyes dramatically. 

“You always tryna play somebody,” he grunted. I smiled lightly. He’d never betray me like that...I don’t think. 

“Oh, do you want your shirt back?” I asked him. 

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