Part 21

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When I arrived home, I tried not to act weird and awkward. I took a shower before I left from Chres’s place but I took a hot bath to ease the soreness in between my legs. Sitting in the steaming water, I sighed full of relaxation. I closed my eyes and thought over the past events. The guys did come into the living area to see our clothes discarded everywhere, which was extremely embarrassing. I got over it quickly though, because their teasing was hilarious. Honestly, it wasn’t how I had expected my first time to be, but it was still perfect. And I was ten times more perverted now that I finally had sex. Him on top of me was all I could think about...well, like 90 percent of my thoughts anyway. I hopped out of the tub after soaking for a while and headed to a meeting with Angie. She had been busy with her other models, so I hadn’t talked to her in a while. 

“From what I’ve been told, you carry yourself maturely whenever you have a job and that makes me so proud!” Angie gushed. I smiled, flattered. 

“Thanks Angie.” 

“You’ve matured so much, since you’ve entered this business,” she told me. Heh, you have no idea. 

After leaving I drove to Mindless Behavior's place. I dragged my tired self to the door and knocked lazily. The door swung open and there stood Princeton. He grinned hugely and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Ava! I haven't talked to you in forever! Especially considering the fact that Roc’s always doing...activities with you," He teased, squeezing me as tight as possible. I blushed as he dragged me inside. I smiled as I heard multiple greetings directed towards me. I looked around and saw Ray and Prodigy...but not Chresanto.
"Where's Chres?" I asked. Everyone got quiet and drifted their gaze away from me.
"What?" I asked. "What's going on?"
"He's kinda pissed off right now..." Prince trailed off.
"Why?" I questioned again.
"Not my place to say," he shrugged, "but go talk to him. He's in the last room." I walked back there and saw him shirtless, laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Chresanto?" I meant to greet him but it came out as more of a question. He turned to face me and got up slowly.
"Ava, can I ask you something?" He inquired. I nodded. "What did you do Saturday?" He asked me. I arched a brow at him.
"Went to eat with my family and went to the mall," I explained.
"Nothing else happened?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No, well besides my brother, well cousin, getting out of jail." He turned around and punched the wall, running his hands through his curls after. My eyes widened.
"What the fu-"
"What is this?" He growled, shoving a sheet of paper towards me. I grabbed it and it was a picture of me and Javier. He had me pinned against the side of the building and we were nose to nose.
"Welp this doesn't look good..." I started. "It really isn't what it looks like. He-"
"Are you really using 'it's not what it looks like?" He asked me fiercely. If it was anyone else, I probably would’ve made them feel like a complete ass, but this was Chres. He’d never been so pissed off with me before. I was taken aback and had no idea what to say.
"Ava, I hate being lied to. And I don't know what the fuck actually happened here, but either way you decided not to fucking tell me," he said angrily. I slit my eyes. My cheeks were flushing from anger. 

“I just didn’t think about it, okay! I didn’t think it was important,” I tried to talk to him in a civilized way. 

“You didn’t think some nigga feeling up on you was important?” He asked me as if I was stupid. 

“I forgot about it. I just said that you jack ass,” I growled. 

“Or maybe you didn’t want me to find out?” He accused. I arched a brow. 

“The hell? Are you trying to say you think I’m cheating on you?” I asked in disbelief. 

“Well, you don’t look too opposed in this picture,” he retorted. I guess this is kinda my fault. He wasn’t even trying to believe that I definitely was not enjoying Javier’s company. I poked my lip out and made my eyes big, batting my eyelashes. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now