Part 15

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“You aight?” I heard a voice as I slowly opened my eyes. 

“God?” I asked in a fuzzy voice. I heard a laugh and blinked a few times, clearing my vision. 

“Hey,” Issa laughed. He was crouched down in front of me. 

“What in the actual fuck?” I asked. I stood up quickly, stumbling. Issa caught my arm. 

“I don’t think you should be moving so fast. I ain’t never seen somebody fall that hard,” he told me. His eyes were so hypnotizing, I had to catch my breath for a second. 

“Oh,” was all I could say. Why was my heart beating so fast? We just stood there examining each other. “Uh...come here often?” I awkwardly tried to stop our staring contest before paparazzi came up with some BS. He gave me a look but smiled nonetheless. I waved bye quickly to him before speed walking away. Come here often? The fuck? 

“Angie!” I whined, running towards her. 

“What?” She asked. 

“I just fainted in front of Issa, and I think I have a concussion, but I ran away fast because that was embarrassing,” I babbled. 

“You’re hopeless,” she laughed. I pouted. 

“This is no laughing matter! I’m so embarrassed,” I whined again. She laughed even harder. I stormed towards our car and sat in the back seat with a pout on my face. 

“Calm down, you’ll be fine,” she told me. We drove to the hotel. Okay, this is gonna sound childish, but ever since I was little I always enjoyed hotel rooms. Now, I really enjoyed it, because it was a suite. 

“Holy balls, this is so cool,” I shrieked. “Angie, I’m gonna take off my pants now,” I warned her. She sighed and walked into her room. Angie liked wearing pants, but I hated and always will hate wearing pants. When I took off my pants, a note fell out of my pocket. 

You’re cute, hit me up sometime. 

And Issa’s name and number were on it. I stared at the note for a long time. The wooden floor was making my butt cold, but that note was like a foreign object. This nigga wrote me a note instead of trying to help me? How long was I out? What? Oh my word, confusion!

“Da FUCK!!!!!” I yelled. I jumped as my computer started ringing. I ran to it and answered. 

“Hey!” I said, my voice higher than normal. 

“You okay?” Chres asked me. I nodded. 

“Yep, just pants less,” I hit myself in the face after the words slipped out. Chres was grinning like nobody’s business. 

“Cute ass,” he chuckled. 

“Oh shush,” I said, thinking about the note Issa wrote me. 

“You don’t seem like yourself,” he trailed off. Might as well tell him, you suck at lying. 

“I kinda ran into Issa and ran into a pole and fainted and he might’ve maybe kinda given me his number,” I said quickly. Chres shrugged. 

“As long as dude’s not tryna feel you up, I’m cool,” he said. What?! If some random girl gave him her number I’d have to get a little ratchet... Why is he so calm? Should I be nervous? Maybe he actually trusts me... but do I trust me? I don’t know, I’m so naive sometimes and- 

“Ava, baby, you good?” Chres interrupted my mental rant. 

“Yeah, I miss you already,” I told him, trying to focus my thoughts. 

“Miss you too,” he said. 

“And I love you,” I grinned. 

“Love you more,” he told me. I blew him a kiss. “I’m gonna let you rest. Dream of me,” he joked. I giggled. 

“Bye.” We hung up. I laid back in my soft comfy bed and tried to figure out why I felt so weird. Maybe I’m just tired... 

“But Tasia-” I tried to explain. 

“Nope, you like him, end of the story!” She said. 

“No, Chresanto is my boyfriend!” I argued. 

“And? You can still have crushes,” she reasoned. 

“Holy balls, no, that’s like low key cheating,” I gasped. She smacked her lips into the phone and I could just imagine her rolling her eyes. 

“Girl, you’re bein ridiculous,” she told me. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. 

“You’re being ridiculous,” I laughed, “but you’re right, since we don’t like each other, things shouldn’t be weird!” I said. 

“There ya go. Damn,” she grumbled. I giggled. 

“I love you Tasia,” I grinned. 

“You should. I’m pregnant, and dealing with the most oblivious and naive sixteen year-old ever,” she laughed, “but I guess I love you too.” That really meant we were practically bestfriends already. Tasia wasn’t one for expressing her feelings all mushy-gushy.  

“Ava, let’s go!” Angie yelled. 

“You betta go!” Tasia laughed. We said our goodbyes and hung up. We left the hotel and headed to the catalog photo shoot. Christmas was soon approaching, so Christmas pajamas and socks and underwear! My favorite! 

“Angie, can I eat Chipotle?” I asked with puppy dog eyes. 

“I don’t care, you’ve been good,” she told me. I smiled excitedly. 

“Swaggy!” I whispered to myself. That’s right, I listen to Justin Bieber! 

“No, just stop,” Angie laughed. After we ate, we headed back to the hotel. Stopped at a stoplight, I decided to call Chres. It rang a few times before someone answered. 

“Hello?” A chick answered. I arched a brow. 

“Hello?” I asked back. Then the phone clicked off. I stared at my phone for a couple of minutes. 

“The fuck?” I growled.

“Whoa, watch the language,” Angie told me. 

“Angie, some bit-girl answered his phone,” I said through gritted teeth, “and she sounded pretty,” I pouted. 

“Could’ve been a friend or sister or cousin or something,” Angie responded. I chewed my lip impatiently, staring at my phone. Is he, or whoever gonna call back? My whole mood felt kind of deflated after that. I couldn’t wait to get back home. 

A/N: Yo, I'll be updating more often now :D SWAGGYYYYY. 

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