Part 5

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I had informed the guys, as in Prod, Ray, Roc, and Prince, that I was going to lunch with Diggy that day. 

“Why are you telling us?” Roc asked. I could tell he was kind of bothered. Not like it’s a date or anything. . . 

“You guys have worked with him, so I wanted to know how he is,” I told them, preparing myself for the worst. 

“Oh, he’s really humble and easy going,” Prodigy told me. 

“Yeah,” Prince added. I nodded. Okay, I can deal. I looked at Roc and smiled a little. He seemed to be in his own little world though. Honestly, I didn’t really understand what exactly me and him had going on. It’s like, one second he’s all up in my George Forman but the next he doesn’t wanna do anything about it. I can never tell if he seriously likes me, or if I’m just a flirt. It was aggravating me, and I didn’t want to seem agitated when I was with them, so I left. 

“Gotta go,” I said, getting my stuff. Everyone said goodbye and I left. I know it’s not good to pin up emotions and junk, but I don’t like letting people see my emotional side. It means I’m vulnerable. I stick to my cheery, happy, and quirky self until I’m by myself or with someone close, like my family. That’s the way it’s always been. That’s how it’s staying. 

When I left for lunch with Diggy, I made sure to order something healthy. I personally did not want a repeat of what happened last time. 

“You sure you don’t want no burger?” He asked, laughing as I grimaced about my food. 

“Oh, I definitely want a burger, but I can’t. My mom will find out and try to kill me,” I groaned. He chuckled and picked up one of his french fries. 

“Open up!” He gushed, like I was a baby. 

“Excuse-” he shoved the fry in my mouth. I laughed. “You’re an ass!” 

“A charming ass?” He asked, smiling. Whoa, is it just me, or does he have some intense eyes? 

“Whatever puts you to sleep, Digg,” I giggled. “So, you’re the heart throb Diggy Simmons! What are you really about though?” I asked. 

“You wanna get to know me for real?” He asked. I nodded. 

“I’ve got nothing better to do,” I joked, grinning. 

“Oh aight,” he smirked, biting his lip. “Well, I gotta bounce, but we can do this again.” We walked out to our cars and then Diggy pulled me into a hug. I wasn’t expecting it, but whatever. He pulled away and I could tell he was leaning in to kiss me. What? Oh holy balls, turn around! I yelled internally. I dropped my purse on “accident.” He backed off and coughed awkwardly. 

“Ha, I’m so clumsy,” I laughed dryly. “Welp, gotta go, bye!” I waved to him as I got in my car. The drive home was weird. I didn’t think Digg thought we had that kind of connection. Don’t get me wrong, he was very attractive, but I had a thing with Roc and I currently only had feelings for Roc. 

The next day, me, Prince, Roc, Prod, Ray Ray and Digg were planning on hanging out. I was trying to be calm and pretend like nothing was awkward between me and Digg, but I mean, we’d have to get over it. We’re working together. 

“Hey, Digg, can I talk to you?” I asked. I tried not to be noticeable, but those fools were nosy as all get out. A bunch of cat calls, and wolf whistles were made as we walked out of the room. 

“Wassup?” He licked his lips. I pouted my lips as I tried to figure out where to start. 

“Okay, I know yesterday was a little weird,” I started. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now