Part 32

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I wasn’t sure when I fell asleep in my room in Chres’s arms, but when I woke up, he was still there, breathing lightly, still sleeping. I hadn’t just gotten to calmly look at his features in a while. He looked stressed. I lightly smoothed my fingers over the wrinkle on his forehead. 

Lately, I hadn’t been aware that I was still wearing the charm bracelet he’d given to me right before Christmas. But as I ran my fingers through his soft hair carelessly, I stared intently at each charm, smiling lightly. It was like part of me, and I never took it off, not even when I showered. How had I forgotten about it? Is that why he’s always looking at me weirdly? As I watched him sleep, I thought about Diggy and where he might be. I also wondered how Chres knew to come to my rescue. He was always there, no matter how he felt about me at the moment. 

All that time I had been trying my hardest to avoid my feelings for Chresanto because I was scared. Every time he was around me, he made me feel like someone different...someone better. I wasn’t codependent with him, I was just swallowed by his compassionate love. Recently, we had both made dumb and idiotic decisions, but somehow, between all those stupid choices, we were still connected. We had indescribable chemistry...I felt like nobody could understand. I loved him. I love you. He was still sleeping soundly, as I embraced the closeness I had with him for the moment. I knew once he woke up though, we’d be thrown back into reality. Hard, stone cold reality. 

When he did wake up, he pulled me as close as he could and nuzzled my neck with his nose making me flush. I’m pretty sure he was still waking up though, because when he was finally awake completely, he let go almost embarrassedly, apologizing. He sat up, squinting his eyes and rubbing his hand through his hair. 

“Hey,” he finally said after an awkward silence. I smiled shyly, like I had just met him. 

“Hey,” I grinned, “I mean, good morning.” 

“How’d you sleep?” He questioned, his voice low and groggy with sleepiness. As weird as it sounds, I really enjoyed when he’d wake up and talk to me in that raspy tone. 

“Fine,” I replied, “thanks for-” 

“You don’t need to...really.” I furrowed my brows at him. 

“Okay. Well, how’d you know to come and get me?” I asked him. 

“I had heard that my chances were running thin, so I was going to come over and try to get you back since Tasia said you were alone...I wasn’t expecting to walk in on what I did, but I’m glad I got there when I did,” he replied. I nodded, fiddling with my bracelet. 

“Can I tell you something?” I asked, scooting closer to him and laying my head on his shoulder. 


“I haven’t been dating him this whole time. I missed you, but whenever I felt like I could tell you, something or someone got in the way,” I sighed pitifully. Shifting slightly, he lifted my chin and kissed me before I could register what was happening. Warmth surrounded me as he engulfed me in his arms, pulling me into his lap. I missed that...I’d missed every thing about him. From the way he had always made me smile by just smiling himself or the way he would tease me and laugh at all my lame jokes. He would do the sappiest and corniest things just because he knew I enjoyed it. Then, there were his kisses. Sometimes they were urgent and lust-filled, like he couldn’t get enough of me, and other times they were slow and passionate as if he could kiss me for ages and never get tired. As he pulled me closer to him and cradled my face in his hands, I could tell this was a slower one. It was almost as if he wanted to take his time, remembering every second of the kiss. 

When we pulled away, I realized that no matter how sexy Diggy was, or how hot he could make me feel, he didn’t compare to Chres. Nobody could compare to him. He fit me perfectly, like losing part of a puzzle and never being able to complete it until the missing piece is found. I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair again and again. I couldn’t really find the words to say, so we sat in another silence, but this one was content. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now