Part 31

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“Saige, I don’t know what to do!” I whined to her, plopping on her bed. 

“What’s wrong?” She questioned. 

“The other day...the day we were at the pool, Digg confessed that he wants to date for real,” I replied. 

“That’s great!” She claimed. 

“Well yeah...but what about Chres?” I asked dreadfully. 

“What about him? He’s moved on and it’s time you did too! Diggy’s a great guy,” she said casually, laying back on the bed next to me. I grabbed her laptop and video called Tasia. 

“What?” She asked. 

“Good to see you too,” I chuckled. “You busy?” I asked. She shook her head. 

“Prince is actually in the living room with Kennedy right now,” she smiled slightly. 

“Aww,” Saige cooed. “You two would have some of the cutest fucking babies!” 

“That’s exactly what I was thinking!” I grinned. 

“Hello! Ain’t nobody talking about babies...chill wit all that,” she mumbled, hiding her face. “Damn it, you guys are making me act like such a chick.” I smiled at that. 

“Tasia, guess what?” Saige yelled. 

“What?” She asked. 

“Diggy asked Ava to date him for real!” Saige replied. I already knew Tasia was all for me and Chres getting back together. 

“What’d you say?” She asked. 

“He’s letting me think about it,” I replied, “And I don’t know what to do.” 

“Welp, go for it, if you want to. Chres’ dumb ass obviously isn’t trying to do anything, and you shouldn’t keep waiting for him,” she shrugged. “Plus, that boy know he fine!” She laughed as Saige nodded quickly in agreement. I was kinda surprised she had said that. But, since I had the input of my two best friends, it was just me and my thoughts that had to decide. Honestly, Tasia was going to be my excuse for contemplating getting with Diggy. Since she didn’t disagree, I had no excuse, but I was still balancing both options. I was so stuck on Chres.

“Look, I gotta go, but tell me how it goes,” she told us. We said our goodbyes and hung up. 

Later that evening, Diggy was coming over and Saige was going out on a date. She wasn’t really one to date people...she was more of a free spirit, but she really wanted me and Digg to be alone. I’m not sure what she had in her mind. I wasn’t planning on doing anything with him. I was just going to let him know that I wanted to date him...for real. Anyway, he was running super late. Tasia called me while I was waiting. 

“What’s up?” I asked her. 

“Not much...whatcha doin?” She replied.  

“Just at home alone...doing nothing...” I could hear her whispering something to somebody, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. 

“Okay! Bye!” The line went dead and I sat there dumbfounded. Okay... I turned on the tv and started watching Vampire Diaries reruns. Someone knocked on the door and I paused the episode, before walking to the door. I opened the door expecting Diggy, but Javier showed up instead. 

“What the fuck? How do you even know I live here?” I asked, closing the door. His foot stopped it and he barged in, pushing me against the wall. He reeked of alcohol. 

“Yo, get the fuck off me,” I pushed him away, reaching for my phone and calling Tasia. He slapped the phone out of my hands and pushed my back into the sharp edge of the counter. I tried getting him off of me again, but he wasn’t budging. What is going on? The counter was cutting into my back and he was pushing himself against me, trying to violate me. I squirmed uncomfortably, reaching for anything to hit him with behind me. I gripped a rootbeer bottle and hit him in the head with it. The hit wasn’t hard enough to break it, but it was hard enough to make him let go. I ran up the stairs, panicking. When I got to about the fifth step, he grabbed my foot and dragged me down the stairs. I didn’t realize I was yelling for help until he squeezed my ankle, telling me to shut up. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now