Part 11

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“What the flying fuck?!” I was woken up from my sleep by my dad yelling. I slowly opened my eyes to see my him and mom standing over me. 

“Hey daddy, why are you yell-” I stopped as I felt someone behind me. . . Chres! Shit this isn’t good. He was still passed out too! “Oh. . .” I trailed off. My dad snatched me off the couch and woke Chresanto up. 

“Lil nigga, Imma give you ten seconds to explain why you’re sleeping with my daughter!” My dad roared. 

“Dad! We were just sleeping!” I told him as Chres tried to gather his thoughts. I looked to the stairs to see Tia coming down, rubbing her eyes. 

“You haven’t even introduced yourself to me properly, but you think you’re free to sleep on my couch with my daughter?!” My dad was furious and my mom just stood there with a satisfied smile on her face. "I didn't tell you to talk!" My dad fumed as Chres opened his mouth to explain.

"And what the hell are you wearing that for?" My dad turned to me gesturing to my spandex shorts and oversized T-shirt. 

"Dad, if you'd let us explain-" I was cut off, again

"Oh be quiet!" My mom jumped in. 

"I'm going to give you five seconds to get this boy out of my house," my dad warned. 

Tia was hugging my side. There was too much going on. I picked Tia up and grabbed Chresanto’s hand, leading him to the door. 

“Text me when you’re free so we can have dinner with my parents,” I pecked his lips quickly. 

“Bye Ava, bye Tia,” he said. We waved to him and I headed back into the living room. 

"Ava! We're going to talk about this," my mom droned. Blah blah blah. Woman sounded like a damn dying cat when she scolded people.

"You two are just waiting for me to mess up, huh? Nothing happened," I sighed. They looked at me expectantly, like I was lying or something.

"But you know you're not supposed to have boys in here while we're gone," my mom hissed. Boy, did I have some choice words for her. . .

“Can we talk about this later? I’ve got some things to handle,” I told them. I didn’t wait for an answer as I walked up the stairs and into Anaya’s room. 

“Nae, can we chill in here, while I call these homes?” I asked her. 

“Sure. You okay?” She questioned. I shrugged. “Well, while you’re in here, I should probably tell you I’m moving out. It is about that time,” She told me. Well, she was nineteen, I guess she did have to go. My heart broke at the thought though. 

“Oh,” was all I said, as I dialed one of the numbers. 

That night, Tia had woken me up in the middle of the night, telling me she had a nightmare. I took her down to the kitchen and got her some Teddy Grahams and milk. She was telling me about her dream when my mom walked in the kitchen. 

“Tia, stay here,” I told her, as I followed my mom into the living room. 

“Mom, is everything okay?” I asked her. 

“Like you care! It’s none of your business anyway!” She growled. 

“Um, okay? Sorry for being considerate,” I retorted. 

“Oh, just shut up! Modeling is the only thing you’re good for! And, you sure do treat Tia like she’s your daughter, you slut! How old is she really?” My mom asked, coming really close to me. Ew, is that alcohol I smell? 

“Tia isn’t my daughter, damn it! And I’m pretty sure I’m not the slut here!” My mom’s hand went across my face hard. 

“No!” Tia squealed. I looked over to see she had dropped her cup of milk and was running towards me with tears in her eyes. I picked her up. 

“Don’t cry, I’m okay, see?” I smiled at her as she cried. My mom scoffed and shoved pass me. Whatever. I sat Tia down and cleaned up the milk she spilled before going back up the stairs with her. As she slowly fell back asleep, I realized I needed to get her out of my house. She needed a stable home and I was getting attached to her. 

We helped Anaya move into her loft and I cried a little. She was the only one that I could really talk to in the house. Allen didn’t really get a lot of stuff that went on in the house. 

“Ava, can I talk to you?” My dad asked. 

“Sure, what’s up?” I asked him. He looked at me, almost examining before speaking. 

“I’m sorry for the way I acted. It’s just, you’re my little girl and I don’t want any little boy’s hands all over you,” he told me, rubbing his face. 

“It’s cool,” I replied. “Is that all?” He shook his head and just stared at me some more. 

“Are you alright?” He asked me. I sighed and nodded my head. 

“Yes, why does everyone keep asking me that?” I retorted, kind of irritated with hearing the question over and over. 

“You don’t seem like yourself anymore,” he said. I shrugged. “You hardly smile anymore. Only when you’re around Tia and that boy.” 

“I smile, see?” I smiled, but I knew he could see it didn’t reach my eyes like it usually did. 

“Well okay,” I think he realized he wasn’t going to get anything out of me. “I love you.” 

“Love you too, dad,” I said back, walking away. Tia and I had spent most of that day just hanging out. My thoughts went to Chres a lot. Sometimes I wished he wasn’t so busy, sometimes I wished I was just as busy as him. I missed him. 

“Why did your mommy hit you like that?” Tia asked out of the blue. 

“I don’t know Tia. It just happens sometimes,” I told her. 

“That’s what my mommy use to do, but I never knew why. I loved my mommy,” she cried. I hated seeing her cry, so her tears led to my tears. I hadn’t cried the whole time, but I needed to. 

“Ava, I-I love you,” she sobbed. 

“I love you too.” We were crying together like babies. In the back of my head, I wondered how such a young girl could understand me, understand something so complex. She had to grow up mentally, quicker than a lot of kids did. I was emotionally attached to her now, and I had no clue how I was going to give her to random people so they’d take care of her. That night we went to sleep early because we were gonna go to foster homes in the morning.

Visiting the foster homes was more emotional for me than I thought it would be. When we found the one that didn’t seem too bad, we left. I even looked up a few reviews on it. We went to the mall and the food court first because she eats a lot! All the tabloids were saying I had a kid because she was always by my side, but I had stopped caring. Angie didn’t like it of course, but oh well. We were walking to the little girls’ apparel store Justice when Tia stopped. 

“Why’d you stop?” I asked, tugging her hand. 

“It’s Santy!” She told me, pointing to a girl. Why does that chick look so familiar? 

“Okay, let’s go,” I pulled her towards “Santy” and what looked like “Santy’s” dad. When we walked up to them, my brain practically exploded. It was Santana. . .Santana as in Diggy’s ex and the chick I got into a fight with.

 “What are you doing with my cousin?” She glared at me. Then her dad turned around. My jaw dropped. “Dad, look it’s Tia!” Santana said. 

“Ava,” her dad or my dad said.

“Marcus. . .”

A/N: Guys, I'm gonna start reading more stories :D *yay* but chup! I hope this chapter was okay ^.^ much love <3

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