Part 25

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I sat there looking like a dumbfounded moron as Chres got up and started pacing.

“Oops,” I heard Allen mutter, “uh, I’ll be in dad’s room...” he trailed off. Chres turned to look at me again before running his hand down his face. 

“Leaving? What you were just gonna disappear without tellin nobody?” I don’t even think he was angry as much as he was hurt. It hurt me that I had hurt him. I never wanted to do that.


“Ava, don’t lie to me,” it was obvious he was upset but trying to hold it in. He obviously sucked at doing that though. My teeth went to my lip and I sat my back against the headboard. 

“Uh, Tasia had her baby this morning,” I laughed awkwardly, trying to avoid the topic, “you wanna see the picture I took? I mean it’s not a great picture, but you can still the baby-” 

“Ava,” Chres said sternly. I looked down at my shaking hands. “Look, I’ ain’t trying to scare you or upset you but...” he trailed off with a frustrated groan. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, apologizing. Was it sick that I found his anger issues really attractive? 

“I’m sorry,” I apologized back, “I keep keeping things from you.” He shook his head and sat down, gesturing for me to explain.

“Uh, okay so here’s the thing...” I explained my feelings to Chres and he listened very openly and patiently. I think I kept talking just because I was afraid of what he was going to say when I was done. 

“Whatchu sayin I’m too clingy, or...” he trailed off, staring at me so hard I had to look away. 

“No! I’m just saying I’m not good for you. You need someone mature and independent. I’m not quite there, you know? Doesn’t it get annoying when I always need you?” I asked, looking down. 

“It don’t bother me though,” he assured me. I looked up at him and his intense gaze was still on me. 

“I think Layla is good for you,” I said more to myself than him. “She’s got her stuff together.” He looked at me like I was crazy. 

“What did she tell you? The shit that happened with her wasn’t even like that!” He told me, “It just happened...” 

“What happened?” I questioned halfheartedly. I didn’t really wanna know. 

“She came onto me, and I didn’t push her away for a while. I don’t know if it was because I liked it or because I was surprised.” I nodded as a tear left my eye. I sniffed quietly and wiped my face, but of course the waterworks just kept coming. 

“I’m not mad. I think it’s time we let this go though,” I whispered, “I need to get my life together.” 

“Ava, no...I can’t let you go. After every thing we been through and every thing you taught me, I’ll be damned if you push me away,” he pulled me towards him and embraced me tightly. He was making it so hard. I pulled back slightly and put my forehead against his. Smiling apologetically, I kissed his lips softly. I can’t do this. He laid back on the bed so I was straddling him and pulled me closer. His tongue tangled with mine and I moaned into his mouth quietly. His hands went under my shirt and he rubbed my back lightly, making chills course through my body. I pulled away quickly, breathing hard. 

“Allen is in the other room,” I breathed out, rolling over on my back next to him. I guess he didn’t care about that because he got on top of me. His lips connected to my neck and he placed his hand between my legs. I was anticipating the movement of his hand but he just kept it there as his lips trailed down my neck slowly. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now