Part 7

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“Nae! I don’t know what to wear!” I whined.

I was headed to see Roc, I mean, everyone else was going to be there, but I was mainly looking forward to seeing Roc. 

“What do you mean? Don’t you always hang out with them?” Nae asked. 

“Yeah, but Roc is gonna be my boyfriend now. . . I think!” 

“Pfft, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” Allen, my eleven year old brother said. 

“What do you know about boyfriends?” I asked. I laughed as he wiped off his shoulders. 

“I got the ladies linin’ up! But why would you dress all pretty outta no where? He obviously liked you when you were uglier so. . .” He shrugged. I was quiet as I realized he had a point. 

“Couldn’t have said it better Allen. . . Well, maybe a little nicer, but good job!” Anaya said, giving Allen a high five. 

“Aw thanks Al,” I said pinching his cheeks and kissing them. 

“Ew, no! Don’t do that!” He growled, wiping the kiss of his face. I laughed and walked out of Nae’s room to get dressed, then I headed to see the boys. When I got there, Roc was standing outside by himself. I jumped on him as soon as I was close enough. 

“Oh, paparazzi is probably out here,” I said, hopping off of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 

“And? I want everyone to know you’re mine,” he said, before pulling me into a kiss. Oh my word, holy balls, this is better than I thought it would be. When I say that kiss was amazing, I mean like makes you wanna slap somebody amazing. I ran my fingers through his curls as he pulled me closer to him. His lips definitely don’t just look delectable. Lord. When we parted, I was both breathless and speechless. My forehead rested against his. I smiled at him, blushing and he returned the smile. 

“Let’s get inside,” he said, grabbing my hand and leading me inside. 

“Ava! I thought we’d never see you again!” Princeton yelled, enveloping me in a hug. 

“Prince, you’re dramatic,” I giggled. I got comfy on the couch with Roc. 

“Hey, I was watching an interview of you guys before I came here! It’s ya boy Ray Ray! Hey y’all it’s Prodigy. Yo, wassup y’all it’s Roc Royal. And yours truly Princeton. . . And we are: Mindless Behavior!” I mimicked the guys laughing. 

“My voice isn’t that deep, you made me sound like a constipated Hulk,” Roc protested. I laughed. 

“Yeah. . . No,” Princeton said. I pouted.

“Whatever, I’m funny. I crack myself up,” I giggled. 

“Okay, Avacado, whatever floats your boat,” Ray Ray chuckled. I looked around. 

“Where’s Prod?” I asked. 

“In the kitchen,” Ray and Prince said. I laughed. He eats so much. 

We didn’t really do much that whole day but take pictures and hang out. There was a picture of me and Roc kissing all over Twitter and once again, my mentions were blown up. 

“Guys, moment of silence for my mentions. Rest in peace,” I set my phone on the coffee table as it buzzed continually. 

“Damn, sucks to be you two,” Ray Ray laughed. 

“Gee, thanks for the encouragement,” I glared at him as he grinned at me. This was crazy. How’d the news get out so fast? I scrunched my nose and hit myself in the forehead a few times. 

“Stop,” Roc said, grabbing my hands. I stuck my tongue out at him and he bit at it. 

“Roc!” I laughed, slapping his chest playfully. 

“Pro’Jay! Did you eat everything in the kitchen bud?” Ray Ray asked. Prodigy shot Ray a look. I giggled. Their friendship was hilarious to me.

“I don’t blame you Prod. If I could eat whatever I want and stay your size, I would too!” I told him, leaning in to give him a high five. “Speaking of food, I’m hungry. To the kitchen I go!” I got up and headed to the kitchen. 

“I’ll go with you,” Roc grinned suggestively. When we got into the kitchen, I opened the fridge as Roc wrapped his arms around my waist. 

“What are you doing?” I laughed as he rubbed his nose against my neck. 

“Why you frontin?” He breathed onto my neck, making goosebumps form. 

“What. . . Our friends are in the other room,” I whispered, smiling slightly. He twisted me around and pulled me close, as close as I could be. His lips grazed mine lightly before he pulled away. 

“What the fu-” 

“Language, ma,” he smirked at me as I glared at him. Nothing but a tease. . . 

“Shut up, I came in here for food. I don’t have time for your games,” I laughed, reopening the fridge. 

“We should try hanging out. . .without the guys,” Roc said. I spun around quickly with a huge grin on my face. 

“Really?” I asked, excited. I loved those guys, but I did want alone time with Roc. I was just surprised he suggested it. 

“Yeah, so we can have more alone time,” he grinned. I caught on. 

“Oh, so you can have your way with me?” I asked. He nodded. “Psh, negro please,” I giggled, getting out a yogurt and sitting on the counter. 

“What, you think I can’t have my way with you?” He asked, placing himself between my legs. 

“You could try, but I won’t let you,” I told him, splatting yogurt on his nose. I giggled as he stared down at his nose making his eyes cross. He wiped the yogurt off of his nose and spread it on my forehead. I laughed and pecked his lips, getting yogurt on his forehead too. Just as I was pulling away, he scooted closer and kissed me deeper. I smiled into the kiss, I was in bliss. I could really get used to his kisses! He intwined his fingers with mine and knocked down my yogurt cup in the process. I heard the spoon hit the floor, but the yogurt could wait, Roc’s lips on mine were far more important. When we broke away, I couldn’t help grinning like a silly idiot.

Roc, look whatchu did,” I said in my Steve Urkel voice, pointing to the yogurt on the counter. He chuckled and I hopped down off the counter. After cleaning the yogurt up, we walked back in the other room. I looked at my phone on the table and it was still buzzing. 

“Holy balls,” I laughed. 

A/N: Yo, I hope y'all are loving this :D *harlem shakes* lmfao. Thanks for the comments & rates guise. (you know who you are) ^.^ xoxo

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