Part 8

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About three weeks later, I came home from work and Anaya and Allen were at school and my dad was working. While I was walking into my room, I ran into some strange man. . .in his underwear. 

“Ew! Oh my word I’m calling the cops!” I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 when my mom walked out. . .in her underwear too. 

“Wait, what, hold the fuck up!” I didn’t even regard my language. I knew like hell, she was not cheating on my dad. The random guy walked away and my mom glared at me. 

“Don’t look at me like that! We’ll talk when I’m dressed,” she hissed. I rolled my eyes and set my stuff down in my room before walking into the living room. My mom was waiting for me. 

“Okay, I can explain. That was a director for a movie and I just got you the lead,” she grinned. What the fuck? I really believed she was crazy then. 

“Mom, that’s not okay! What about dad?” I yelled. 

“You ungrateful bitch! I’m doing this for us!” She told me. 

“Mom, you’re doing this for you! I’m not starring in the damn movie!” I growled. “Everything is your fault! Anaya had a severe eating disorder, I’m forced to do this job and now you’re gonna fuck up your relationship with dad!” Before I could register what was happening, my mom wrapped her hand around my neck and shoved me against the wall. I tried to keep my cool as she strangled me. 

“Look, you’re starring in that movie, and your father isn’t going to know about this! I brought you into this world and I’m damn sure not afraid to take you out of it!” She spit. My heart was thumping completely non rhythmically. I fell down the wall after she let go gasping for air. I pulled out my phone and texted Roc “911.” It was our emergency code for when something happened. I just hoped he wasn’t busy. I trudged to the park we met at and sat on one of the swings. While I waited, my breathing slowly went back to normal and I took in the new season’s appearance. The leaves were now brown, red, orange and yellow. I loved stepping on them to hear them crunch and seeing them fall. Hm, I wonder if that’s why this season is called Fall? I had waited a while for Roc, but I wasn’t upset about it, he was busy. When he did show up, he ran towards me. 

“What happened to your neck?” He asked. 

“How’d you know?” I questioned back. 

“It’s bruised,” he reached out and touched my neck lightly. “What happened?” He asked. The sincerity and concern in his eyes made me want to cry, but I didn’t. I nibbled my bottom lip nervously. 

“My mom. . .I honestly think she’s lost it,” I sighed. “I came home to find her with some guy that wasn’t my dad. Then I asked her what she was doing and she said she was getting me a lead in a movie,” I told him. Roc pulled me towards him and was trying to sit me in his lap. 

“No, I’m too big to sit in your lap,” I told him. 

“Sit down,” he demanded. I shook my head. 

“Seriously Roc?” 

“Seriously. Sit down, and you can call me Chresanto if you want,” he said as he sat me down in his lap. 

“Chresanto? Is that your real name?” I asked. He nodded, grinning. “Aw, I feel so special,” I gushed. He rolled his eyes. 

“You are special. Now, how did your neck get like that?” He inquired. 

“My mom got mad when I told her I didn’t want to star in that stupid movie so she choked the living hell out of me,” I explained. I could feel him tense behind me. 

“I don’t think its healthy for you guys to be living with her. She seems bipolar, no offense,” he said. 

“None taken.” 

“But, are you gonna tell your dad about it?” I nibbled my bottom lip again. 

“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it. I want him to be happy, I’d die for his happiness just like he would do for me, but he might be devastated. He loves my mom so much, I don’t know,” I was frustrated. I was at a loss. . .what was I supposed to do? I was still young, it was hard to judge things like that. 

“I think I’m gonna tell him though. I’ll deal with whatever my mom does,” I was lying to myself. How was I suppose to tell him something like that? Was it even my place? 

“That’s probably the right thing to do,” he said, rubbing my arm. Bro, Chresanto had me falling mad hard. 

“Thanks,” I pecked his lips. 

“Any thing for you beautiful,” he replied, grinning. 

“Gosh, why are you so perfect?” I giggled. He shrugged. 

“Can’t help it,” he joked. 

“So, Chresanto, do you have to get going, or can we go get lunch?” I asked. 

“Let’s go get lunch. After you my lady.” I hopped off of his lap and grabbed his hand. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me from behind as we kept walking. 

“This is making walking difficult!” I laughed. 

“But you like it!” He said. I nodded. 

“So, I’m going to call you Chres, Chresanto is too long,” I said. “And, I need to stop by my house to get a scarf so I can cover this,” I gestured to my neck.

“Okay, whatever you want,” he laughed, kissing my temple.

The next day, I had prepared to only ask my dad how he felt about cheaters, maybe it wasn’t my place to tell him what my mom was doing. He deserved better than her craziness, though. I had walked into my dad’s study and saw my mom all over him. What the- 

“Ava, hey sweetheart,” my dad scooted away from my mom a little. “What’s up?” He asked. I shook my head, glaring at my mom. 

“Never mind,” I turned to walk away. 

“Are you sure?” My mom asked. I didn’t even respond, I just kept walking. Crazy ass woman. I walked into my room to see Allen sitting on my bed. 

“Whatcha doing?” I asked cautiously. 

“Am I trippin, or is mom seeing somebody else?” He asked. Lord. How does he know? 

“Um, where’d you get that idea?” I asked, sitting next to him. 

“Some guy called the house looking for his suga’ plum. . .” he trailed off. I giggled. 

“Ew,” I laughed. 

“Well, is she?” He asked. 

“Chup. I saw it with my own eyes, sadly,” I groaned. He scrunched his nose. “Are we gonna tell dad?” He kept asking questions. 

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. I honestly, didn’t have the heart to tell him though. 

“This sucks,” he whined. 

“Tell me about it. . .”   

A/N: LOL wtf is crazy mama doing? & Ava's gonna be calling Mr. Roc Royal Chres, or Chresanto from now on. . .cool? Cool. xoxo :) love you guys!

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