Part 16

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“Chres, we need to talk, are you busy?” I asked him through the phone. 

“Nah, I’m not. Is everything okay?” He asked. I hesitated. Is everything okay? 

“Just meet me the park,” I told him, before hanging up. I walked to the park. I picked at my nails as I sat on the swing. I needed to get my nails refilled...badly. Just ratchet. I crossed my eyes, looking at my nose. Don’t you just hate it when there something on your face and you can see in from the corner of your eyes? I swear, it bugs the mess out of me. 

“Why are you so cute?” My eyes went straight again as I heard Chres’ voice. I smiled at the ground a little. He lifted my chin. 

“What’s wrong?” He stared in my eyes, and the sincerity in his voice made butterflies swirl in my tummy. 

“You tell me. Why did a girl answer your phone?” I asked him. He chuckled a little. 

“One of my old childhood friends probably answered,” he shrugged. I arched a brow. I got up and walked to the slide. 

“Why didn’t you call back, then?” I questioned. 

“I didn’t know you called. Like I said, Layla probably answered my phone.” He explained. I pouted and turned away from him. Layla?

“Aww, baby, are you jealous?” He asked. I turned around and glared at him. 

“Hell no,” I hissed. He smiled hugely. “Why the hell are you grinning so hard?”

“You’re sexy when you’re mad,” he laughed. I groaned frustratedly. “You know all I do is think about you. You’re crazy if you think I’d ever want anybody else,” he told me, walking closer. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my nose. 

“I’m sorry Chres, I’m being ridiculous. If I can have friends, then you can have friends too,” I told him. 

“It’s okay. I kinda like it when you’re jealous,” he grinned. I scrunched my nose. 

“I’m not jealous.” 

“Okay, whatever floats your boat,” he laughed. 

“I’m not!” 

“Okay...” Chres walked me home and we argued about whether I was jealous or not, the majority of the time. 

“Okay, baby, I know you’re not jealous,” he raised his hands defensively. I smiled successfully. 

“That’s what I thought.” I kissed him and he grabbed my butt. I smiled a little bit. 

“Stop before my dad hunts you down,” I giggled. I turned around to walk away and he slapped my butt. I turned around and mouthed “stop” playfully before going inside. I turned my back towards the door and there my dad was. 

“The fudge?” I gasped and jumped a little, “Why you sneaking up on people like that?” 

“Why are you always leaving without telling anyone where you’re going?” He asked. 

“I was just at the park...” 

“With that boy,” he finished for me. I smiled sheepishly. He smiled too and shook his head, walking away. 

“Wait, I have a lunch date with Tasia today, is that cool?” I asked him. He nodded. 

“Just come home more often. The house sucks without you,” he told me. I nodded. I met up with Tasia and we went to Taco Cabana. 

“How can you eat Mexican food every other day?” She asked me. 

“Um, how can you not eat Mexican food every other day is the real question!” I replied. She shook her head. We went to sit down and Tasia started acting weird. 

“What’s your problem?” I asked. 

“Nothing just sit,” she told me. 

“Um, okay?” We sat and I looked around a little while before shrugging and eating my food. 

"Ooohh, look at that guy," Tasia pointed at a really tall light skinned boy. 

"Super slurp worthy!" I told her. "You gon' get that number bruh?" I joked. She shook her head. 

"I'm kinda fat and prego right now..." she rolled her eyes. “Okay, Imma tell you something, but I need you to not freak out, aight?” Tasia completely changed the subject. I nodded. “Your man is here, with some chick.” My eyes widened and I choked on my cherry Coke, making some come out of my nose. 

“Ew!” Tasia laughed, wiping my face for me. 

“What’s she look like?” I asked her. 

“Pretty and dark-skinned with short black hair,” she responded. I groaned and banged my face on the table. 

“She sounds gorgeous,” I whined. 

“Look, don’t let her discourage you. Go over there,” Tasia told me. I nodded and walked around until I saw Chres. I walked slowly towards them. 

“Hey Chres,” I smiled a little, “and hey...” I trailed off waiting for a name. 

“Layla,” she said. My eyes widened and I stepped back a little. Oh my word, she was as pretty as her voice. How did she get her skin tone so even?

“I’m Ava,” I told her.

“Oh, I’ve heard about you,” she said, “alot actually.” That made me feel so much better, even though she said it with annoyance. I smiled plastically at her and turned to Chres. 

“Enjoy lunch,” I told him, before turning around. 

“Wait, can I get a kiss?” He asked. I was grinning hard as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, connecting my lips to his. It lasted a little longer than it should have, but it satisfied me anyway, because I knew Layla was looking. Is that bad? Just kidding, I don't really care.

When we parted, I said bye and felt complete satisfaction as Layla did the fakest smile she could. I walked back to Tasia, and she was laughing her ass off. 

“That’s what I’m talking about!” She said, high-fiving me. I sat down and Layla was glaring at me. Cool. Tasia turned around and made a stank face at her. “Why you lookin so-” 

“Tasia,” I scolded, even though I was grinning. She shrugged. “We gotta finish this food, I can’t go home with it, my mom will give me crap.” I told her. 

“I’ll take it home,” Tasia told me. 

“Okay, cool. Let’s blow this popsicle stand!” I laughed. Tasia and I left Taco Cabana. “See you later.” 

When I got home, my mom and dad were on the couch. 

“She’s actually home, wow!” My mom said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. 

“The last time I checked, you wanted me to be a model. Being a model means I’m busy,” I growled. 

“Yeah, but you have plenty of free time. You spend it with that boy and your ghetto pregnant friend,” she said back. I blew out some air. She’s your mother, don’t disrespect her... 

“Okay, how about tomorrow we have a family day, cool?” I asked her, trying to be civil. 

“Sounds great, honey!” My dad told me. I smiled at him and headed up the stairs. I plopped down on my bed and sighed heavily. Family day is gonna be...something. My family is a hot mess. 

“What the hell did I get myself into?” I mumbled to myself.

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