Part 1

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     Ava Milan's my name. I'm sixteen years old. I have long jet black hair (it's weaved) and light brown skin. I'm pretty tall, or maybe average at a height of five foot seven. Lots of people don't really get on my case about my weave. Maybe because it looks natural? I don't know, but it looks better than my natural hair. Sadly, I don't have pretty natural hair, but my weave is beautiful. Whatever works, you know? Anyway, ( I get off topic way too much) I'm living in Houston, Texas right now, working on my modeling and acting career.

    I had been modeling since I could remember. I was a tiny little girl, but as I got older, my body got curvier. None of the companies really wanted me as one of their models because I wasn’t a stick figure. I wasn’t going to change myself for anyone. Sadly, I watched my older sister go through anorexia and I was not, on any circumstances, going to starve myself to please society. My mom was dissappointed, even though she didn't want to say so. If I had a choice, I wouldn't have been modeling and acting in commercials or movie extras so much. I'm not complaining though, it was a good way to make money. My mother wanted to do this, model I mean, but she got pregnant at a young age and missed her opportunity. She just wanted to live her dream, and I didn't want to get in the way of that. I would do anything to please my mother. Anyway,  I had gone quite a while without a job until a few days after my sixteenth birthday. My manager called me. 

    “Hey Angie!” I chirped. 

   “Hey darling! I’ve got good news!” She told me, “Victoria’s Secret wants you as a model.” My jaw dropped. The hell did she just say? 

   “You’re kidding right? Their models have to be perfectly shaped,  like no joke,” I panicked. 

   “They’re having a new section in PINK for curvier teens, like yourself,” I could hear the smile in her voice. No freaking way. 

   “Holy balls! Mother of Pearl. . .Wow,” I was freaking surprised. “I don’t know how my dad will feel about it, Ang,” I continued. 

  “Well, I’ve already got a meeting arranged for tomorrow. I’m sure we can convince him and your mother.” I was skeptical about that. After our conversation ended, I told my parents there was a meeting in the morning, but I didn’t tell them for what. I was too scared my dad was gonna flip a table or something. 

   It was the morning of the conference thingy and me and my parents were getting ready to leave.

   "Oh, yum breakfast! Is that bacon?" I reached for a piece and my mom slapped my hand away and handed me a plate with fruit, half of a wheat bagel and turkey bacon. I slumped my shoulders, that didn't look good at all. My little brother Allen laughed and snuck me a piece of bacon under the table. I winked at him and gave him a thumbs up. My mom is a trip sometimes. . . Most of the time, but I love her to death. After breakfast, we got to my manager's office and they went right to business.

   "Hello there, I'm Julia, I'm here on behalf of PINK," a tall woman with tanned skin and neat brown hair smiled at me. As soon as she said Julia, I though about the Tyler Perry movie Daddy's Little Girls. Julia, you know I'll never make a fool of ya! I tried not to burst out laughing, but I was smiling to myself. 

    "Hi, I'm Ava Milan, it's nice to meet you," I said, trying not to laugh. 

    "Oh you're beautiful, you'll be perfect!" She told me as we all took seats. I swatted my hand bashfully. 

    "Aw shucks! Stop it," I joked. My mom elbowed me and I shut up.

    "Exactly what is this for?" My father asked.

   “Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Milan, your daughter has been offered a job opportunity with Victoria’s Secret,” Angie looked at both of my parents as the room stayed quiet. 

   “Nope,” my dad finally said, getting up. 

   “Hold on Mr. Milan. Ava is not going to be exploited or anything. It’s like her going to the pool or beach in a bikini. No odd stripper poses or anything,” My lovely manager assured him. “They say her innocence is what appeals to girls her age. She is also going to have on a shirt most of the time.” 

   “As long as she is comfortable, I don’t think it’s a bad idea,” my mom finally spoke up. I was getting worried, she’s never so quiet. I could tell she was excited, she just didn't want drama from my dad.

   “Great,” Angie smiled, her white teeth showing. 

   “I guess, but if you have my daughter exploited in any kind of way I find disrespectful, I’m taking her off of it.” My dad grumbled. I went over to him and gave him a hug. 

   “Love you daddy,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him. This might sound bad, but it was easy to get things from my dad. All I had to do was sugar coat my already high-pitched voice and bat my eyelashes. What can I say? I’m a daddy’s girl. I kissed his cheek before walking back to my seat. 

   “So, it’s settled! Fantastic!” Angie enthused.  


   When we got home, my dad seemed kind of depressed. 

   "Dad?" I called. He looked back at me. "I don't have to do this if you don't want me to," I tried to whisper, but I swear my mom hears everything. 

    "No! She's doing this job! This could be her big break. Ava, your father will get over it!" She spoke so quickly it was kinda creepy. . . 

    "Mom, I don't have to-" 

    "But you want to!" She interrupted me. No mom, you want to. I shook my head. My mama is trippin right now. I sighed. I didn't have the courage to tell her no, though.

    "Okay, ma," I said in monotone. I gave my dad a hug before walking into my sister's room. I scrunched my nose and hit myself in the forehead a few times. 

    "Anaya, our mom is crazy," I growled. 

    "What'd she do this time?" She asked, flipping through the channels on her TV. 

    "I got offered to do a job for Victoria's Secret. So, you know, posing in panties and junk. You know  me, I honestly couldn't care less about this modeling shit, and dad's all upset, but you know mom," I babbled furiously. I barely made sense, but Nae was used to it by now.

    "Ave, Ma just wants what's best. She wants you to have all that she didn't growing up," Nae told me. I pouted. 

     "No, she just wants to live her childhood dream through me. Especially since she. . ." I trailed off. I almost mentioned my thoughts about Nae's eating disorder. I quieted down and put my face in her soft mattress. 

    "Okay, thanks Nae, love you, but I'm going back to sleep," I said. 

    "Love you too sis. Hang in there, but don't try to change yourself for anything or anyone," she smiled softly at me. When I got in my room, I pulled off my clothes and hopped into bed. I smiled as I thought about Anaya. She was so much healthier now than she use to be. It was good to see her getting meat on her bones again.

   About a week later, I was posing in green yoga panties, a big white T-shirt, long knee-high white socks with two green stripes on the top, and green Converse. 

   “Portray the cute and innocent personality you have into the photos,” the photographer told me. I nodded, getting into my zone. Honestly, it was more fun than uncomfortable. I really thought it was going to be uncomfortable but it wasn’t. I prefer being clothes-less anyway. I’m not a whore or anything, but I love being naked. Anyway, this was something new for me and I was pretty exciting. Hmm, we’ll see how it goes. 

A/N: So guys, how was it? :D I know what you're thinking, where daFuq is Roc and what does this modeling garbage have to do with him?! Welp, this was just an intro! Next chapter he will show up! This is my first story ever but I hope you all read & enjoy it! Xoxo ♥ 

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