Part 22

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I opened my eyes to realize I was in a hospital bed. I sat up quickly and my head was spinning. I felt a hand on my back. 

“Whoa, you shouldn’t get up so fast,” my dad told me. I apologized quietly and looked around the room. I guess Chres is still mad. After the nurse told me I would be okay, I just need to stop falling and giving myself concussions and my blood pressure was high and my blood sugar was way too low, my dad drove Tia to her house. I walked her inside and Marcus pulled me into a hug. I didn't deny him but I didn't necessarily hug back either.
"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little exhausted," I smiled lightly towards him.
"Well if you ever need to talk..." he trailed off. I nodded before leaving. My dad drove us up to a hotel. He offered me the single room, but I told him he could have it, he deserves his privacy. Allen plopped onto the bed and started flipping channels on the TV. My head still felt heavy and my thoughts were still clouded. I slowly walked to the window seat and sat down, looking at the view of the highway. That day was the 1st of December. I remember because Allen turned on Christmas specials on abc family. Usually I would be excited about it, but I just didn't feel in the spirit. My thoughts felt as if they were clouding every bit of happiness I held within myself. I was afraid of making a stupid decision, so I did what I always do, I texted Tasia and told her I was coming over. I left to her house, trying not to cry while I drove. It’s like Chres and I had this toxic relationship. When we were together and everything was fine, I was the happiest person ever. But when things weren’t good, or I was away from him for too long, I felt empty. This isn’t normal. And, as much as my mom messed up, it broke my heart to think our family was officially...gone. Poor dad, having to keep me...I’m not even his. I pulled up to her house and quickly got out. I have to escape my thoughts! When I got to her front door, her grandma answered the door.
"Honey, are you okay?" She asked. The sincerity in her voice and eyes made me burst into tears again. It was about 1 am, and there I was, at their doorstep, crying my eyes out. She pulled me inside quickly and let me sit on the couch. I tried not to look at her sympathetic gaze.
"I'm so sorry," I apologized. I looked up to see Tasia waddling down stairs. She frowned down at me and I apologized again, wiping my eyes. I was trying to stop crying, but it wasn't working out. Tasia took my hand and walked me up the stairs into her room. She sat on the edge of her bed and patted the spot next to her. I sat down, trying to stop trembling like a leaf.
"Ava," she said, rubbing my back, "what happened?" I tried breathing correctly. Inhale, exhale. In and out. I scooted back against the headboard for support.
"My life is falling apart," I told her, bringing my knees up to my chest. She laid on the bed next to me. I told her about everything. It all happened in a day too.
"He thinks you're cheating on him? What the fuck? That's nothing like you!" She fumed defensively. I nodded.
"It really looks like it though. So, I guess it's my fault for not telling him."
"He should trust you though. You didn't accuse him of cheating when a random girl answered his phone! Not your fault at all. You know what, we're calling him!" She snatched my phone out of my hand.
"Tasia, don't!" I begged her. She looked at me for a long time before handing me my phone back.
"Why are guys such asses?" She questioned rhetorically. I stared at her. It bothered her too much. Why is this bothering so much?
"What did Kenny do?" I asked her. She sighed heavily, and her lip started trembling at the mention of his name.
"He's gone! He got me pregnant, treated me like shit and then died! There's no bringing him back so he can at least get to see his child," she cried, "and even though I talked about him like he wasn't shit, I am, or was still in love with his dumb ass." By then, I was crying again too. I had never seen Tasia cry before and the sight broke my heart. Her hand went to her stomach every now and then, especially when she said Kenny’s name. She eventually told me he was at one of his friend's houses and got in a car accident on the way home. Every inch of my heart went out to her. Tasia and I cried together until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

When I woke up, I felt a little better. We both had big, red puffy eyes and tear stains down our cheeks.
"Tasia?" I asked her.
"Hmm?" She questioned back.
"You're my best friend." She smiled lightly at me. She turned her TV on and it was on MTV Jams. The video that was playing was Right Here by Brandy. We looked at each other and laughed as we both started to cry again.
"You're my best friend too," she told me, pulling me into a hug. My phone started ringing and I sniffled, wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. It was my dad, I didn’t want him knowing I had been crying. 

“Hello?” I answered quietly. 

“Ava? Oh, thank God! Where are you?” He asked me. 

“I’m sorry, dad, I’m with Tasia. We just really needed each other’s company. I should’ve told you,” I responded apologetically. He sighed heavily into the phone. 

“Have you been crying?” He inquired. Damn, am I that transparent? “Never mind, just don’t do anything reckless. I’m taking Allen out, so love you, and see you soon.” 

“Okay. Love you too,” I said before hanging up. I looked at my caller ID and I had thirty-six missed calls from Prince. He left me about ten voicemails. He was just telling me to call him and telling me to feel better. I’ll call him later, I told myself. I helped Tasia up and we walked downstairs together. I looked at Tasia and chuckled. 

“You’re about to pop,” I said, noticing how big her tummy had gotten. She nodded. 

“I know. The date is supposed to be on the fourth, but it could be any day now,” she said, walking into the kitchen. Her grandma was cooking a gigantic breakfast. 

“Sit down girls! This is comfort food!” Her grandma smiled at us. I sat down at the table across from Tasia. 

“I want you to be there when I’m in labor,” Tasia confessed. “I mean, if you can handle it,” she finished laughing. 

“I’ve always wanted to be there when a woman gives birth!” I gushed excitedly. She rolled her eyes. 

“It’s not as beautiful as people say it is. I watched these videos to try to prepare myself...” she trailed off, shaking her head. “I’m kinda scared!” 

“Don’t be scared baby,” her grandma intervened, “it is beautiful. Once you get that baby in your arms, you’ll know that it was worth it.” She set our food in front of us and I smiled. I really didn’t eat a lot. I wasn’t up to it. I didn’t have much of an appetite. 

“Thank you, and sorry again,” I told her. 

“No need to apologize. We all have those days,” she smiled assuringly at me. 

After I left Tasia’s house, I drove to my own. My mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway and relief washed over me. I got out and unlocked the door. The house was tidied up and there was a note on the counter. 

I’ve gone to stay at my mom’s or Granny’s for a while. Don’t worry about me, I’m getting my mind right. Love you guys. 


I ran up to my room and searched through my drawers. When I finally found the shirt I was looking for, I laid it on my bed and went to take a shower. When I was done showering, I slipped the shirt over my head and remained pants-less. His scent wasn’t still in the shirt, but it comforted me knowing it belonged to him. I grabbed my laptop and noticed I had a million missed calls from Prince. I heard an engine cut off and I ran downstairs, praying it wasn’t my mom. A loud knocking was at the door and my stomach did flips. 

“Ava, I know you’re here, so open the door!” My jaw dropped and I opened the door slightly. 

“Oh, hey...” I trailed off awkwardly. Balls... 

A/N: GUYS I'm grounded and not supposed to be updating but the response on the last chapter just deserved another one :D So, I'm being rebeliious, but just this once! Lol enjoy <3 Love you allllllllll

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