Part 29

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“She eyin me like a nigga don’t exist...Guh, I know you want this dih!” I laughed to myself, singing my favorite part of that whole song. I was driving to the gas station store to buy some snacks before I went to Marcus’ house. When I got there, Tia wasn’t the first to greet was actually Santana. 

“Hey can I ask you something?” She questioned.

“What?” I asked, shifting uncomfortably. 

“Are you dating Diggy for real? Like what happened to Roc?” 

“We broke up almost 5 months ago,” I frowned. “This whole me dating Diggy thing isn’t real, it’s all for publicity, so he could call it off and I could call it off,” I told her. It looked like her whole aura had calmed down. 

“Oh. I was just curious. I’m over Diggy,” she smiled triumphantly. I patted her on the back. 

“That’s awesome,” I smiled back. At that moment, Tia came running down the stairs naked. 

“Tia, come back!” Michelle yelled. Tia rolled her eyes and hugged me. 

“Girl, where are your clothes? You can’t just hug people while you’re naked! This isn’t a nudist society!” I scolded. She shrugged. 

“I was taking a bath, but I got impatient! I wanted to see what you look like now that you’re seventeen. You still look the same...” She trailed off quietly. 

“What am I supposed to look like?” I asked her in amusement. 

“Oh I don’t know, sexy?” She scoffed. “You don’t look sexy...” I took great offense to her comment. I gave her my phone and let her look at the pictures from my birthday party. 

“See! You’re s’pose to look like that everyday!” She explained. It was my turn to scoff. That would be too much work! Tia kept talking to me as Michelle put her clothes on her. I ate dinner with them and spent my evening with them before getting ready to go home. Curiosity struck me as I was leaving though. I called Santana over towards me.

“How’d you find out so fast?” I asked her, “I mean about me and Digg?”

“Your old friend Javier. Him and this girl named Layla. They both sounded extremely sketchy if you ask me,” she told me. My eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. What does Layla have to do with Javier...and why is he still in town? Are they stalking me? 

“What the fuck?” I blurted out. 

“Yeah, they’ve been scheming around here a lot. I think they’re trying to get dirt on you,” she explained. Aw hell no! I got up and told everyone I’d see them sometime in the next week. I texted Prince and asked him if Layla was at their house and he said yes. I drove there quickly and got out, knocking loudly on the door. Prodigy answered the door and I smiled at him, before busting through the door. 

“Where the fuck is she?” I asked the three boys. They just stared at me and I shrugged. “Okay, I’ll find the bitch.” 

“Aw shit, here we go again!” Ray Ray said. I walked down the halls busting through every door. I opened Chres’ door and Layla was laying next to him half naked watching TV. I rolled my eyes as she glanced at me once before turning back to the TV. 

“Look here, I don’t ever want you or Javier coming around my family ever again, you got it? I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you need to get your life together and stay the fuck outta mine!” I told her. She sat up and looked at me as though I was stupid. 

“No, I don’t know who you think you are! Stop coming up with these lame ass stories because I’ve got Chresanto and you don’t,” she smirked. I ran my hands over my face. 

Sure Thing: A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now