36 | leftover

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I put my hands togetherin supplication—just this once—let me get what I wantedor what I thought I needed

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I put my hands together
in supplication
—just this once—
let me get what I wanted
or what I thought I needed

If I could pray or
if heaven could lend
its ear to my weak voice
—I's say one thing—
I am not asking for much
just maybe leftovers

I've spent most my life
not being given love
people said I deserve
—so please—
I am not asking for much
but leftover love

I've spent too much time
looking at people who prosper
—at the people who had
what I wanted
I think to myself—
if they have it
perhaps, I can too
—but I've been staring
at the pedestal long enough
to utter a prayer
under my breath
I am not asking for much
but leftover fulfillment
of the dreams I had

So I put my hands together
in supplication
—just this once—
let me get what I never had
for so long
I am not asking for much
but for leftover time
—leftover rhyme—
leftover life

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