42 | greet the morning

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Should I greet the morningwith smiles of anticipationwaiting for things to get better?

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Should I greet the morning
with smiles of anticipation
waiting for things to get better?

Should I shift the blinds
with joy and adoration
because of something
that would come true
to the letter?

The chorus of angels
singing the songs
of praise and love
—of the nigh fulfillment
of dreams beyond the stardust

So I ask
—should I take on
the moment with gladness
and gratitude
saving multitudes of life
as things get better?


Should I stall the night
with scowls of hesitation
knowing things will not
get any better?

Should I lift my eyes
with curses and derision
to the heavens that won't hear
any of my letters?

The chorus of demons
singing the songs
of hardship and hate
—of the nigh fulfillment
of broken promises of glory
as of late

So I ask
—should I make of the moment
with complaint and compliance
spending years of my life
knowing things won't
get any better?

an adjournment of scars, an endearment of stitchesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora