78 | through the years

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Through the years that passed—some wisdom I gained frommoments of toil and hardship—looking at the price ofhappiness and the seal of love—I learned not to give myself upjust for people to take everythingfrom me without giving back

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Through the years that passed
—some wisdom I gained from
moments of toil and hardship
—looking at the price of
happiness and the seal of love
—I learned not to give myself up
just for people to take everything
from me without giving back

Through the years that goes on
—some thoughts I delved into
from moments of quiet and hurt
—clawing for the dreams the world
makes harder to reach and for the peace
my own hand will not give
—I learned not to care if I am
being broken down, bit by bit
until nothing is left of me

Through the years that came and went
—some learning I kept from moments
of both ups and downs and
of blood and healing
—picking up shards left
by my own sanity and the pieces
of my once whole heart—
I learned not to cry for
the long dead and gone
to instead celebrate what
I gathered of myself so far

Through the years, love—
I learned to smile and say
I'm fine even though I'm
already desolate and empty
in my mind

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