132 | words have a sense

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Words have a sensethat tells me I stillhave something tolet out into the world

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Words have a sense
that tells me I still
have something to
let out into the world

I have been speaking
for ages and ages hence
that I feel I've said
everything there is
to be said

Sometimes, I speak
even when tact is
not valued and
sometimes, I push
through even when
I'm unwanted

During the times that
people really value me
for who I am, that's when
I realize that I have played
into a trap and have been
too weak to resist

Words have a sense
that tells me there is
silence absent in my soul
and I need it back

Gone are the days of
cresting shallows of neglect
and instead I spent them
sinking into that high
you gave me

It's been too long since I
last felt this free to tell you
all that I've been holding back
that while I love how days passed
so quickly when you're there
I cannot pretend I didn't feel
relieved when you left

One thing I wished I said
was that words have a sense
that tells me I'm not running
on empty fuel yet and I still
have an agency to decide

All I have asked you back then
was for you not only to listen
when I speak but to
understand my silence too

And you didn't, love
You didn't.

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