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What was I supposed to feelwhen I'm tired chasing thingsthat won't be mine?Upon screaming the same thing over and over—what was I supposed to feelwhen no one was listeningon the other side—all along?

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What was I supposed to feel
when I'm tired chasing things
that won't be mine?
Upon screaming the
same thing over and over
—what was I supposed to feel
when no one was listening
on the other side—all along?

Only the promise of death
and the temporariness of it all
has been keeping me sane
Do you know now—how I kept
fighting even though I'm empty?
It's because I know that as
discomfort is temporary
—poverty is everlasting
and as pain is just for a while
—death is a point of no return

So what was I supposed to feel
when I spent my life believing
that there are good things
meant for me?
Upon wishing for the
same thing over and over
—what was I supposed to be
when the world has been asunder?

I wished to know
—which promise of death
and the temporariness of it all
should I keep holding on to
Do you know now—how I kept
speaking as though someone
was listening all along?
It's because I don't know
—what was I supposed to feel
when I've lived but all this time
I've been breaking?

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