Chapter 8

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In the countryside, a little bit of news spread all over the sky in less than a while. The whole Xu family's old house knew everything about Xu Ning's return before it was time for breakfast.

As for the source of the news, Xu Mu said it herself when she went to the pond to wash clothes in the morning. Of course, her main purpose is to show off the gifts Xu Ning brought back to everyone from outside.

"My four girls came back this time and bought cloth for everyone in the family, saying they made new clothes for us." After getting the enviable look of the old, young and daughter-in-laws around, Xu's mother has never smiled since Xu Ning retired. A bright smile finally appeared on his face.

If it were in spring and autumn, Xu Ning's return home would not attract much attention. Because everyone was busy at that time, spring sowing and autumn harvest, which one is not important. Everyone feels tired all day long and can't sleep enough. Who has time to pay attention to how other people are.

But now is winter, the emptiest time of the year. The land that should be harvested has been harvested, and the next step is to let the land be empty, because the land also needs to be recuperated. At this time, people's nature to like gossip is completely exposed. Originally, there was little news in the rural areas. Usually, even if a chicken suddenly died, everyone had to discuss it for several days. Not to mention, the target of the news now is Xu Ning, who was retired some time ago.

"Si Niu, what looks like outside? What they say is like what's on the radio." Xu Er's wife likes gossip the most. When she is fine, she likes to drag other people to gossip. No, as soon as she heard that Xu Ning was back, she immediately came to Xu Ning's house with her job. Sitting down, she started to inquire before the stool underneath was hot.

Xu Ning also understands that in their place, the farthest place many people have visited in their lives is the town, not even the county seat, not to mention the three days and nights of city X just by train. In those places, it is difficult for them to even imagine. Therefore, Xu Ning answered the second aunt's question that sounds funny to modern people.

"Second aunt, the outside is actually the same as our town. The house is a little bit taller and the people live in a bit more concentrated. Moreover, they are not like our house, which has several rooms and a yard outside. Small, some people's homes are about the size of my living room. And the people in the city have no land. They just want to eat garlic and they have to pay for it." Xu Ning is not exaggerating at all. Listen to the older generation. People say that at that time, many people in the city really had nothing to eat. After the autumn harvest in the village, they will come to the countryside to pick up some potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peanuts that people have left behind or don't need them.

"Ah, you even have to spend money to buy garlic?" When the second aunt and the people around heard Xu Ning's words, they couldn't believe it. In the countryside, this is the most common thing. Some people use broken pots, buckets, or buckets to decorate the soil, and then squeeze the garlic away, and they can eat it in a short time.

"Of course, life in the city is more sad than in the countryside." Xu Ning nodded affirmatively.

"No wonder Si Niu is coming back. Although our rural areas are a little bit tired, but relying on the fields, they won't be hungry." Someone next to them said.

"Yeah..." A group of people chatted and talked about it. Xu Ning didn't speak, sitting on the side, listening to them, eating while eating, eating a meal quite happily.

In fact, the people in the countryside are very simple. If your family has something that goes wrong, most people will not talk about it in person. When a group of people chat together, if the person involved is there, everyone will deliberately avoid the topic. After all, there is nothing wrong with anyone.

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