Chapter 43

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Standing at the door of the teacher's office, Xu Ning watched the instructor immersed himself in writing. He reached out and knocked on the door twice to remind the teacher that someone was coming.

Li Weifang raised his head when he heard the voice, and saw Xu Ning standing by the door, and said with a smile: "Come in, what can I do for you?"

Xu Ning walked in and handed the application form to the counselor. After the counselor took it, he said, "Mr. Li, these are some of the thoughts of some of our class leaders. What do you think."

Li Weifang took it and looked down. Seeing what he was holding and hearing what Xu Ning said, his brows frowned: "Xu Ning, there is a literature club in the school. If you want to participate, I can recommend it to you. It seems not very good to start one. Bar."

"We have also participated in the school's literary club. After going there several times, we all felt that it was not the literary club we imagined. Some people in the literary club have extremely left-handed thinking and are completely different from ours. We conspired, a few of us made this application after thinking." She was the first to submit, so she wrote the application.

Li Weifang stared at the application form in his hand and was silent. After a long time, he said, "I know that your 77-level students think that they have passed the test based on their true talents, and some look down on the former seniors of the'workers, peasants and soldiers'. Isn't that true?" The school teachers knew about this problem, but there was no problem, so they didn't say anything about it.

"No, we didn't look down on them. To put it this way, they still feel that they are red and professional, and they still look down on our group of students with complicated composition. This is not the root cause, but the root cause is their thinking. It is completely different from our thinking. Their thinking is still in the □□ time. You see some of them, when they speak, they still shout slogans. This is all how many years ago. "Xu Ning has seen it several times. She didn't dare to speak to that person when she met once. She hasn't memorized any quotations, but she doesn't know how to answer the conversation.

Hearing this, Li Weifang didn't know what to say. "Then tell me, what is the purpose of your establishment of this literary society. You sit down and say."

Xu Ning sat down obediently, "Our purpose of establishing the Literature Club is the same as the one written above, aiming at learning, communicating, exercising and cultivating abilities. At present, 16 students in our class have signed up. If the school passes our application, , We can also publish news on campus to recruit like-minded students. "Of course, only 77-level students. The older brothers and sisters in front will definitely not come, and they dare not ask for it when they come.

"Furthermore, after the establishment of the Literature Club, we also plan to organize friendships with literature clubs in other colleges and universities, so that we can exchange and learn and make progress together." Xu Ning used to work in the literature club of the school and knew very well about the series of procedures of the literature club.

Li Weifang picked up the application and read it carefully, and when Xu Ning was uneasy, he said: "It seems that you have made sufficient preparations. I can sign for you, but whether this application can be passed depends on the school. Meaning. In addition, you must remember that the task of students is to study hard. The school is a place for you to study, not for you to form cliques. With this sentence, go back and tell the classmates next time. If anyone is letting me hear bad rumors, I'm not welcome."

When the counselor agreed to sign, Xu Ning nodded happily, "I know, I'll tell you when I go back. Teacher Li, thank you so much." If you don't say it, don't say it, anyway, they usually don't offend the river.

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