Sherlock - That Time of the Month

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John walked into the living room to find you slumped on the couch watching (your favorite show). You looked at him and groaned, which sent him into the kitchen automatically knowing what the dealio was. He scurried back with a tub of icecream, and a spoon in hand. He handed you the items and you smiled, then proceeded to hug him.

"You know me so well, john." You smiled into his shirt.  You broke apart and he started to read his newspaper after plopping into his chair and you continued watching your show, while eating your icecream.

You thought about leaving some for john and sherlock, but they don't even icecream, so you decided against it and ate the entire carton because you had the right to!

You heard the door slam and thunderous steps coming up the stairs. 'Sherlock and his bloody case' you thought turning the TV volume louder to accommodate to the fussy detective's noise. He hung up his coat then walked into the living room and began bluntly staring at you and your ice cream like it was a problem.

"John, why is Y/N eating a entire pint of icecream?" Sherlock finally spoke up, then swiftly made his way to you and snatched the icecream out of your fragile state. You gasped at the quick move he made, then tried to grab it back, but failed miserably because he was quite a bit taller and faster than you, his hand easily holding the ice cream just out of your grasp.

"You're going to get sick from all that junk food, not to mention gain a few pounds." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that Sherlock." John interupted, rubbing the bridge of his nose knowing this wasn't going to go well. Naive, naive Sherlock.

You didn't know whether to lash out or cry, but you were leaning towards crying as your eyes bubbled up with tears and lips poured into a frown. You looked up to sherlocks vibrant turqoise eyes through your teary e/c ones and saw regret strewn on his face. Damn right he should regret what he's done.

You turned around and ran up the stairs, tears flowing down your cheeks, hicupping loudy until you slammed your door and let it all out. You collapsed into your bed and sobbed your guts out listening to the convorsation happening between john and Sherlock which was clearly audible from downstairs. Sometimes men don't know how to use indoor voices.

"Sherlock! You should know how fragile Y/N is at this time!" John shook his head in disappointment.

"What? Whats wrong with her?" Sherlock said cluelessly.

"Sherlock, she's on that time of the month." John sighed.

"What do you mean?" Sherlock replied, still clueless to the rather obvious situation.

"God, she's on her period!" John sighed aggrevatedly. "Go apologize!"

Then you heard a long pause of silence and wondered if Sherlock really would, light footsteps coming up the stairs towards your room answered your question. As the door creaked open and you buried yourself into your covers more, not wanting Sherlock to see your red and tear stained face. You felt him sit at the side of the bed beside you.

"I...i'm sorry (yn), i really am." Sherlock started, and the hot tears started to flow again.

"I have something to give you, as a 'sorry' present." He continued, clearing his throat. You slowly uncovered your self to find a empty handed sherlock. Before you could say he was a big sticky wanker he cupped your face and his lips collided with yours. You were stunned at first but eventually melted into the kiss. It was full of passion and sentiment, so gentle yet amazing, and like that it was over.

He repositioned you and pulled the covers over you before turning around to leave. You grabbed his sleeve and murmured "don't go", who would want him to go after he did that to you?! He reluctantly slipped under the covers beside you, still quite a bit of space between you until you scootched closer and nuzzled into his chest.

"Don't ever take away my ice cream again or I'll rip your face off and throw it in the dumpster, oki dokie?" You smiled nuzzling into his chest more as you left Sherlock cringing with a slight nod.

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