Preferences - The Make Up

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Ok here's part two of the cheating preference. Enjoy. :)

Sherlock: After sulking for two days, then sort of picking yourself up with the generous help of john and mary, you finally got out of their house and back to your job.

Your boss was a friend and knew what you were going through, so she gave you some days off, but unfortunately it was time to go back. You sigh and sit at your desk, waiting for a customer to come in and talk about their savings and how they want their money protected blah blah blah.

You spin around in your chair and practically jump to the ceiling seeing someone you didn't want to see for a long time.

"Now Y\N i know you don't-"

"Damn right i don't, what the hell are you doing here?! Get out!" You whisper shouted. He frowned and closed the door behind him, then you really started to get scared.

"It was for a case. Angus Magnesson." He started, and took a step towards you. You got up from your chair and backed one step, actually scared of your boyfriend.

"Janine is his assistant Y\N if i could just gain access, i could destroy...secrets." Sherlock explained, coming closer, hurt in his eyes.

"I...I don't care. You don't cheat on your girlfriend for a case. That's almost sadistic." You manage, voice shaking from anger, sadness, and fear.

"Honey..." He pleaded, his voice wavering.

You allowed him to get closer, and closer, so you were about a foot apart. You looked up at him and a tear slid down your cheek, making his eyes even more sad.

"You don't do that to p-people." You sigh. His finger slowly touches your hand to make sure he has your permission to touch you. He then softly caresses and massages your hand in his warm ones.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in your ear, his baritone voice sending shivers down your spine. He started to pepper kisses down you face and onto your neck, sucking ever so softly how you always like.

"You promise to never do it again?" You whispered into his collar, inhaling his spicy cologne.

"Promise." He whispered back kissing you on the lips passionately.

"I love you." He said very quietly. You glared but eventually said "i love you" back.

So since i am the most wonderful girlfriend and i know you'll still try, i am allowing you to be with janine, but no kissing or intercourse with her. That's for me." You say, strictly.

"Yes ma'am." He smirked devilishly, and ran his hands along your hips.


When you wake up, you find yourself in yours and John's bed. Last thing you remembered was locking yourself in the bathroom because john had cheated on you with some 'lady of the night'.

A mouth watering aroma was in the air, and you knew it was John making something delicious.

You walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror to see that your face was washed, there was no mascara smudges or anything. You frowned curious as to what happened, so you walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find John humming softly, flipping what looked like pancakes.

He looked behind him and saw you, then immediately turned off the heat and wiped his hands.

"Hi sweet pea." He sighed awkwardly, disappointed in himself. You were silent, waiting for him to explain himself.

"Oh, ah, yeah well i kind of picked the lock of the bathroom and put you in bed. Then I changed your clothes and wiped your face, and i let you sleep, because you deserve it." He said looking down.

You sighed seeing he was really sad, and you knew he was sorry.

"John." You sighed hugging him. He immediately hugged back and sniffed.

"This all happened because of me, honey. I was so stupid, and i drank to much, and she came over, and she just took me away. I was drunk and I am so sorry." John rambled and rubbed your back.

"John, john its ok honey just please don't do it again, when you're mad I'd rather you talk to me then drown it out with alcohol." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and hugged you once more before clapping his hands together, then saying "Breakfast?"


You turn over in bed, yawning and missing the warmth that Mycroft had always brought.

Sitting up, you sigh.

"Hello darling."

"What the actual fuck mycroft." You grumble seeing the man sitting in the hotel arm rest.

"Darling please listen." Mycroft pleaded, frowning.

"Why should I?" You spat back and rolled over, putting the blankets over your head.

"Because she came on to me." You snorted and chuckled, for some odd reason believing him.


"Well, i pushed her off and fired her immediately."


"She's been moved out of london, far away from us." Mycroft added.

"Come here." You motioned uncovering yourself.

He took off his suit jacket and shoes and climbed into the covers, wrapping an arm around your stomach.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and kissed your cheek.

"This time get a fricking guy for a accountant.


" I'm sorry baby I was drunk!"

"You could have pushed her off!"


"That's right Greg! You know how much that hurt me?" You sniffled, and wiped your eyes.

"I know but, i'm just so sorry..." Greg urged, ashamed of his actions. "Please Y\N, love, just gimme another chance."

You glared but knew greg was the only one who understood you, who pleased you, who loved you for you. You sighed, and hugged him, which he automatically hugged back and whispered sweet nothings into your neck.

"Greg if i ever, and i mean ever catch you doing that again i will skin you ok baby?"

He chuckles and rubs your shoulders. "I swear i won't do it again. You are my one and only." He smiles.

Yay hope you enjoyed! :)))))


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