Moriarty - Preference Catchup

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Moriarty preference catchup~

Where he kisses you: Moriarty kisses you on the neck, he sucks and bites and makes sure you're marked to show that you're his, yet he does it very tenderly and gentle as not to hurt you.

Desserts: He loves anything bittersweet. Dark chocolate with anything can break him down but his all time favourite treat is dark chocolate lava cake.

Nicknames: you call him- Jimmy, James, babe
He calls you- princess, cupcake, honey

What he likes about you: Moriarty liked your feistiness, you were one of the only ones who didn't obey him. He envied you because you were fun and he loves how your spark never dies out.

When you're mad: Moriarty will constantly be bugging you until you crack a smile. He acts so childish and tickles you as well, because he can't stand seeing you frown.

What you take from him: When Moriarty isn't being Moriarty, he wears various band t-shirts and comfy clothes. You take them and wear them because they're loose and you also like the same music as him.

How you sleep: You aren't that clingy when it comes to sleeping. You sleep in the same bed but it's rare where you sleep in eachother's arms.

When you're stressed: Jim will massage you and do everything to help get that stress down, sometimes he'll distract you in certain ways. *wink wink*

He hears you singing: You were at home, bored because Jim was out and you were alone. You love video games and decided to play a dancing game. Staying Alive by the Bee Gees was there and you immediately picked it, thinking about the disco tune. As the song began to play you subconsciously mumbled along with the words.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha stayin' alive! Stayin' alive!" You changed in a high pitch voice just like Barry Gibb. A deep chuckle comes from behind you. You flinch and turn around holding your arms out like you were about to karate chop the person who laughed. Of course, it was Jim, smiling fondly at you. You frowned and slapped his shoulder.

"Don't do that James!" You pouted pausing your game.

Jim only gave a toothy grin and kissed your forehead. "I thought that song was boring but I think I like it now."

"You think everything is boring." You said going back to your game. Moriarty chuckled again and watched you sing and dance.

He cheated on you: Jim always kept his phone locked. It was passcode and finger print locked, which made you sort of suspicious. He would never open it near you or do anything on that phone unless he was alone. One day, Moriarty cursed loudly as the private doctor he ordered left, leaving him with a cast around his thumb connecting to his palm.

His thumb was quick access to his phone, so from now on he was typing the password until his broken thumb was healed. Being the paranoid person you are, any chance you could get a glimpse of him typing you made a mental note and wrote it down carefully. Of course, getting glimpses of him walking by the room or just before he shuts the door gave no help whatsoever, but after 3 weeks of tedious spying, you got 12 letters.


After re-arranging them, you came up with KING OF LONDON. Pretty typical for Jim. After he went to bed you said you would soon follow, but instead stole his phone and locked yourself in the bathroom, ready to see what he's been keeping all this time.

The password worked and you sighed in relief. That sigh only changed to horror as you went to the app he was in last; his texts.

Many female names came up, Tiffany, Amy, Lilly, Katie, there was so many that you couldn't even count all of them. Anger, betrayal, hurt boiled inside you. All of these texts were flirty sex appeal messages, this was preposterous!

Anger serving though your veins you threw open the door making it slam against the wall and made a direct path to Moriarty and jumped on top of him, shoving the phone right in his face and yelling at him.

"Sorry darlin'." Moriarty smirked, shrugging. Your face only twisted more,  you smacked him across the cheek as hard as you could and grabbed everything you needed before storming out, never to come across that psychopath again.

The make up: There was no make up. (;-;)

He proposes: Moriarty's proposal was fun. He craved to see you smile and have a gleam in your eyes. Moriarty took you to a big amusement park. There was no one else except staff in the park which you actually liked since you have social anxiety. You went on every ride you wanted and played every booth game, and ate all the popcorn and cotton candy anyone could want. At the end of the day, as the sun set and the stars came out, Jim took you to the end of the park path and let you gaze at the stars. His subtle Irish accent cooed about how you changed his life and pulled out a gold band engagement ring. Right then and there you places a soft kiss on his lips, knowing he was the one.

Pregnancy: You didn't really plan on having children, but when you missed your period for a whole month you knew something was fishy. Anxiously you took a test and waited for a few minutes that seemed like hours until hearing a little noise and checking it. Turns out you're spidey senses were right, you were pregnant.

All you had to do now was tell Jim. How you ask? Well, it was close to his birthday so you wrote in fancy letters ; Happy Birthday Daddy and put it in a little box. Once his birthday did arrive, you placed the box in front of him and let him open it. He unraveled the message and read it over, then gave you a weird look before reading it again. He gave a hopeful grin as his eyes lit up.

"You're pregnant?" He breathed, at which you smiled, nodding. Moriarty smiled and immediately enveloped you in a hug, squealing happily.

You almost die: Kidnapped by some thug who hated Moriarty, you were abused, cut, bruised, and bleeding on the cold floor of wherever you were being kept. You couldn't feel you're right arm and the only warm spot was your torso from where warm blood was leaking out. Wishing to just die already the thug cocked his gun and was about to shoot you before the door bust open and the guy was shot. Paramedics probably being forced into helping you tended to wounds that were visible and gave you local anesthetic to fix big wounds and when you woke up you were in your shared apartment with Moriarty' bed and a saline drip in your arm. Though there was no reason to you smiled, thinking about how that guy deserved what he got because of your man. Jim Moriarty.

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