Sherlock - His Fear

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It was a very rainy day in london. There was always wierd weather but today was especially bad. There was strong winds and occasional thunder, but the rain was coming down like there was no tomorrow.

You slam the door of the flat and hang up your soaked coat. You were soaked from head to toe because Sherlock had experimented with your umbrella, burning several holes through it. Yeah, he didn't buy you a new one. It wouldn't have helped anyway as the rain was so tremendously strong.

You walk into the kitchen and put the milk you just got into the fridge and put the kettle on for a nice warm cuppa. You then walked into your room and changed into some warm fuzzy pyjamas after drying off and proceeded to make yours, and sherlock's tea.

You find sherlock in his chair, huddled up and in his prayer position, except you noticed something. When sherlock is nervous he puts his hands in the normal prayer position but figets and taps his fingers together one by one.

"Sherlock, why are you nervous?" You ask placing his tea beside him.

He denys that he's nervous by you prove it to him by explaining his actions and he falls silent. Sherlock was about to say something when a huge clap of thunder rumbled the flat and the power went out. "Aw crap...I wanted to watch Netflix!" You mumbled, though you went silent as you could hear sherlocks breathing get heavier and he began to panic.

"Y/N! Y/N where are you?!" He blurted, scaring you. His voice sounded terrified as it shook nervously, it broke your heart to hear him like that. In fact you had never heard him like that.

"Sherlock, listen to me. Walk forward and grab my hand." You said in as calm as a voice you could, your instincts kicking in as you couldn't not help him.

You heard him shuffle his feet towards you and you felt him clutch your hand for dear life. You murmured that it was going to be ok to him to try to calm him down and it seemed to work for just enough time to feel your way to some candles and matches, then some extra blankets as well since the temperature started to drop.

After stumbling a bit you made you way back to the living room with sherlock hanging on to your arm. You sat him down on the couch but he still wouldn't let go of your hand so you eventually managed to light some candles and placed two in the kitchen, one in the bathroom and five in the living room.

You finally persuaded sherlock to let go of your hand but you still noticed him flinching and whimpering at every clap of thunder or flash of lightning.

"Here, come over here." You patted the spot beside you and he obeyed as told. You were good friends, and you might have even wanted to be more, and this situation going on was very amusing yet heartwarming for you. It would definitely bring you two closer together. Literally.

You motioned for him to lay down between your legs and covered both of you with one of the spare blankets. It was kind a tender position with his face just above your breasts, and you resting your chin on top of his head. You started to blush, but good thing he couldn't see you, because you were the colour of a ripe strawberry by then.

Your hand made its way to his mop of curls and you lightly massaged his scalp making him moan a little as you go. You sat there and took in his scent, the smell of his shampoo was quite nice.

When another clap of thunder arose, he jumped a little and nuzzled into you more. You pulled him closer,(as close as close can be) and whispered comforting words to him, but he was still stiff and alert.

In all realization, you had never done this before. You just had this feeling that sherlock was but a scared child that needed comforting, that needed something to love.

Your last resort to calm him was a thing that your mother used to do to you when you were scared. You tilted his head to it faced yours, and planted a gentle, tender kiss on his forehead. Sherlock's shoulders immediately dropped and he relaxed.

You smiled at your victory and lay back, as you are getting quite tired. He fell back with you and layed his head on your chest and you two started to drift off together. Before you fell asleep you heard a quiet 'thank you' and soft, warm lips press against your own. You lightly blushed and fell asleep smiling.

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