Sherlock - Christmas Wish

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It was Christmas Eve and you were preparing for your first Christmas at 221B. You had made decorations casual and not absurd, and had layed out the food for guests; of course with Mrs. Hudson's help as she insisted.

John, Mary, Greg, Molly, Mycroft, and Mrs. Hudson were all invited for a Christmas gathering, you went by the principle; the more the merrier. Of course, you and Sherlock were going to be there because you lived there.

Just as you were setting down a bottle of champangne something caught your eye. On the floor there was a piece of mistletoe tucked away in under the rim of the counter. 'Must've fell when I was decorating...' you thought, then proceeded to hang it under the living room doorway.

Then you thought about if you and someone were caught under it. And you had to kiss. What if it was Sherlock? Geez, don't think about that! You're friends and thats it thats all, he doesn't want a relationship and he makes that obvious. 'But you want to be more then friends.' Maybe you do but it will never happen, he's married to his work. Its only a...Christmas wish. That will never come true. "Only a Christmas wish." You sighed to yourself quietly.

You were brought out of your sad mind debate and looked at the clock, gasping and rushed to finish preparing before the guests came. You set up extra chairs and placed all your christmas presents under the decorated christmas tree, sighing contently as you managed to finish before they came.

For molly, you got her a emerald necklace with matching earrings,
for greg you got him a new watch because he said that his old one was starting to count seconds wrong,
for Mycroft you baked him a chocolate cake because you knew he loved chocolate cake and got a new vest\jacket. For Mary you got her some baby clothes and a cute jacket for after the baby was born, for john you got him a new green jumper and his favorite cologne, because he said he couldn't find it anywhere anymore but sneaky you found it on EBay, for Mrs. Hudson you got her new oven mitts because she complained the older ones had a hole burned in them and finally for Sherlock you got him a brand new violin because he broke his old bow and you thought he would like a new one anyway. All the gifts nearly made you bankrupt but you knew everyone deserved all of these presents, and it makes you happy seeing a smile on their faces.

A sudden knock came upon the door and you rushed to get it. There you greeted John, and heavily pregnant Mary. You welcomed them in and poured Mary some sparkling water and john some champagne. Next followed Mrs. Hudson, then Greg and Molly, Mycroft then finally Sherlock. Everyone congregated while you poured champagne, and after everyone felt ready it was time to eat dinner.

Mrs. Hudson had prepared a marvelous dinner (with your help) and everone laughed and talked, you brimmed with happiness. When dinner was finished you insisted everyone open presents while you clean up. They didnt argue since they knew you could put up a fight so every now and then you heard a 'ooooo' 'ahhhh', chuckling or thanking. You finished and walked into the living room to find everyone waiting.

You handed out your presents and recieved some, and was thanked profusely while you did the same.

You had gotten a new dress from Molly, a new series of (favourite show besides Sherlock) from Mycroft that hadn't even come out yet, a cream jumper, chocolates and The Hobbit (book) from John and Mary, more books and candies from Mrs. Hudson and a new pair of head phones and a police jacket from Greg. You didn't get anything from Sherlock but you didn't mind. After all Christmas isn't really about presents.

When sherlock opened his present from you the room went silent. Mary patted your shoulder with a smile and eveyone else was shocked but happy too. You even saw Mycroft widen his eyes then retreated them to hide his shock. Sherlock ran his fingers along the polished body of the violin, oh how you wish he'd do that to you. No! Stop it mind! He then picked up the bow and envolope with a song you had written for him and set it up. He looked at you and got up, setting up the music on the ledge of the fireplace so he could read it and started to play.

The song sounded so beautiful when he played. He never faultered, and by the end all the ladies had tears in thier eyes. Everyone clapped at the piece you had wrote and what Sherlock had played. Your eyes met Sherlock's and everything around you stopped. All you could focus on was him and how he was getting closer. He was in front of you in seconds and reaching a hand towards you. You lightly blushed and took it, while standing up. He snaked an arm around you slowly and pulled you in to the most tender hug you've ever had.

"Thank you Y/N." You blushed even harder, just a soft, simple thank you meant everything to you.

He broke the hug and everyone talked a bit more then proceeded to leave as it was well past 12. You thanked them again and by the time you realized it you were alone in the flat with Sherlock, not like it was anything different but since that hug you felt tingly and overexcited.

As you enter the living room, you stop at the voice that commands you.

"Don't move Y/N, Theres a spider on your hair, I'll get it just stay there." He calmly said while approaching you. He knew you didnt like bugs, especially when on you, so you were glad he noticed.

He was now a couple inches away when he chuckled and said;

"My, but you are gulible." You furrowed your eyebrows and backed up and hit the wall, but he came closer to you again.

"I've seen the way you look at me, how you blush, how you shiver at my voice. Do you like it?" He whispers getting close to your ear.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.." you blush furiously.

"My darling Y/N I am simply fufilling a christmas wish." Then he firmly placed his soft lips on yours, giving a tender and passionate kiss. You soon melted into the kiss as did he, slowly moving lips in sync.

While he carried you to his bedroom you thought 'what a amazing Christmas'.

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