Jim - The Substitute

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Seriously, I didn't know what to name this piece...sorry y'all.-~-
For @carly_ortiz67

(Btw you're johns daughter so it's only your first name being used)

I pass the heavy door onto the next person behind me and walk into the place that I hated but enjoyed otherwise.

Turning the corner I walk a little ways away and grab my lock. I unlock it and shove my backpack into it after emptying it out. The boy who owns the locker beside me Pushes my locker door sideways, making it slam into my arm. Inside, I feel like slamming the door back making him off balance and kicking his nads, but I only sheepishly say 'excuse me'. He moves a centimetre and I manage to keep my shanoodles together before calmly walking to English.

I looked at the clock simultaneously ticking on the wall and it read 30 minutes 'til the bell rings. I huff as I know that I would have to sit outside the door for a while but surprisingly the door is open. I creep to the side of the door and see a brunette staring down at papers on the desk; something very different then our normal 80 year teacher. 'Substitute', I noted. Mustering up some balls I knock on the door frame and his head lifts up.

"Uh, hi. Are you a substitute?" I shyly asked, uncomfortable under his content stare.

"Y/N Watson you must be." He observed, clicking his pen gripped tightly in his hands. I almost shivered, sure this guy was attractive, but his stare was creepy as hell.

"Um hmm. That's me." I laughed nervously and stayed by the door frame. "How did you know that?" I asked now in the doorframe.

"I've got everybody's photo profile from graduation photos to refer to. I was just looking over them. I call them mugshots." He smiled and held up a paper with all my classmates faces and names. I chuckled, still a bit nervous but I loosened up at his kind gestures.

I sheepishly went to my seat and took out my phone to play a couple games. I really didn't mind the silence but the teacher inevitably broke it.

"So are you John Watson's daughter?" He grinned as I turned my head to look at him. It was soft and friendly.

"Oh, ah ha yeah. I get that question a lot." I stuttered.

"I read his blogs, they're really quite interesting." He plainly said.

"I also get that a lot...it's only really interesting because I add critical detailed adjustments. Don't tell my dad though."

"Oh!" He seemed like he remembered something. He got up and picked up some white chalk. On the chalkboard he wrote Mr. Brook. Must've been his name.

"So it's you who adds the spunk. I really didn't think from such a dull persona like his he would write something so interesting."

Something about him was off, his demeanour could change in a matter of seconds, and it's like he was hiding his accent which was clearly present. Being in the same room with him was making chills run down my spine. I was itching to get out of there, even before class had started.

"How do you know my dad?" My voice quivered slightly, I wasn't terrified but I wasn't at all comfortable with his off personality.

"We've met a few times." His head bobbed like he was thinking about it.

"He's never talked about you." My fingers started to move, my palms were beginning to sweat and I could feel the eerie pit in my stomach begin to form.

"Think about chess Y/N, we each have to play our part to protect the king. But just when your guard is let down, a little pawn slips through the pieces and becomes a king after touching to the other side. The lone king will eventually die." Every step of his words Mr. Brook makes hand motions and and his eyes are wide and focused solely on me. I can feel sweat begin to form on my forehead, and my hands and arms clenches my books close to my chest.

"W-why are you saying this?"

"It's all a game Y/N." He takes a step closer to my desk, even though he's a fare bit aways I still think I could make a run for the door.

"And your team has already lost." Mr.Brook simply said, shrugging his shoulders lazily, but his eyes still wide and dazed. Finally letting the fear sink into my limbs my legs carry me to the door in a split-second. A did what I should have never done, which was look back. When I did a smirk tainted his face, his eyes were now normal but focused on me. The look he gave made my body tense, it was purely sadistic. My fingers slid around the worn out knob and turned it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He chimed, almost like he was beaming with pride.

I quickly ran out and down the crowded hallway. My waist was grabbed and a white cloth covered my nose and mouth. I had no point but to breathe through it despite my furious and desperate attempts to escape the tight grip of whoever was holding me. The last thing I heard was the familiar school bell ring, and that's the last of what I heard.

Nothing. Silence, darkness, numbness. Everything you could imagine wasn't there. It was just emptiness. But really you don't feel anything when you're asleep or dead, who knows...it's really all just a game.

Allo Allo! Yes, I will say this for the millionth time but lately I have been busy! I'm trying to do requests asap but sometimes it's hard mkay. Also to the person who requested this, I really do hope you liked it, but I just couldn't figure out a way for the reader to fall in love w/ Moriarty when he came to their school and idk, I tried.

Pls vote and comment, loves you all.

P.S. I call the people who read this or my stories or profiles 'guys' and for some reason I don't like it so I thought maybe I should let the readers call themselves what they wanted. So comment a name that I could use for my readers, and I will decide whether we should try it out or naw.

Love yous :)


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