Sherlock - Wings

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Hello again! So this one will be pretty weird, i just got inspired from Supernatural, and will have some context related to it. There may be some feels for the Supernatural fans, and some fluff for sherlock. Enjoy.



Your alarm jolted you awake from the awful sleep you were having. Nightmares of your past occured often, but today was especially bad.

Smacking your hand on the 'off' button you dragged yourself out of bed; which you immediately regretted. You had stumbled and fallen onto your back, but your shoulder blades and upper back was hurting like crazy. A shaky sigh was let out and you slowly got up, wiping the pooled tears in your eyes that had not fallen.

Now in the bathroom you opened the medicine cabinet and immediately went to the Advil. You took two pills and was about to leave when shooting pains now crept up to your shoulders.

Through gritted teeth you muffle small screams, from the intence and sudden pains. This had only happened one other time in your life-but it had never been this painful. No. You pushed back that thought, it wouldn't happen again, it couldn't.

In a very sharp burst of pain, you heard your skin pop. Oh no. It is, it is happening.

*flash back*

"Y\N please don't do this! You help us and we help you. We need you." Sam says with sadness and stress clean as day in his voice. Both sam, dean's, and your eyes were glossy with tears

"Sam, you know i can't stay. All i've done is put you guys in danger. Don't you dare track me, winchesters. I...I love you guys. Goodbye."

And with a flap of wings you were already soaring trough the air, tears flying off your face.

"Y\N!" You heard the brothers say in unison. That was the last you saw of the Winchesters. Every night you would have nightmares about leaving them, or what they got into, but you had to start a new life; presumebly in London. You stopped hunting, everything stopped.

*End of flashback*

The pains were now growing unbareable, as flesh, bone, and feathers were growing out from you at a inhuman rate. Screams were now coming out of you and someone is banging on the door. Flashbacks continue to haunt you until there is one final blood curtling scream from and all the pain slowly starts to dicipate.

You climb into the bathtub and turn into a sobbing, blubbery, partly bloody, and exasted mess.

You jump when the door of the bathroom literally almost flies off and who you guessed was sherlock run in and stop dead in his tracks.

"Do-don't look at m-me. I'm a, a monster." You sob out while not making eye contact.


"Don't just stand there!" You gather up the strength to stand up amd in a swift and fast movement you spread your big black wings. It felt so good to just stretch your wings out, you hadn't done it for about 2 years now, maybe thats why it hurt so much. "Go away, and leave me be." You say a little aggrivated as you sit back down in the tub.

"Y\N, I..."

"What? You're scared? In denial? Newsflash i'm real,-"

"No, its just so amazing that i have an angel in front of me. Y\N, you are beautiful, amazing, wonderful, and now that i know, angelic. You are not and will never be a monster." He said with a chuckle, while taking baby steps towards you.

In your mind, you thought he would walk out and yell profusely that this was not real and there is nothing wrong with him. That it was his brain playing tricks on him. But instead he had a twinkle of curiousity in his eyes, and he approached you like you were some shrine to bask in glory of.

"May i touch them Y\N?"

You shyly nodded and tryed to hide the blush that was quite obvious. His fingers gently connected with your feathers, and corressed each one as if a delicate violin string.

You smiled at his awe. Slowly he shuffled slowly closer towards you until you were only inches apart. His attention from your wings was suddenly drawn to you.

His eyes told his story, they were filled with passion, curiousity, lust, love. Hie eyes would Flicker to your lips then back to you, indicating you know what. You had always liked sherlock, since the day you met as a matter of fact.

But never did you think THE great sherlock Holmes who was married to his work would ever love a not so simple girl like you.

You both leaned in until there was no space between you and your lips were connected. The warmth of his lips enveloped yours, and you decided to wrap your big wings around both of you to deepen the warmth and feelings.

All you could focus on was him, and a feeling washed over you as you knew everything was going to be ok, and you were always going to stay with the one you love.

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