Moriarty - One Sided Love

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For @Olivea_Tinyhats

My eyes seemed to have failed me or I'm blindfolded. A headache pounds in the back of my head as well as a lingering pain, I have to evaluate myself. I'm sitting upwards, most likely in a chair, and by the way I couldn't move my hands I must me handcuffed through one of the spines of the back of the chair. I try to move my feet but they're tied down too, they don't feel like handcuffs though, most likely twist ties. After moving my body in whatever way I can I figured that I have no major injuries accept I may have a blunt force injury on the back of my head that's bleeding. I can feel every drop of blood seep through my hair and drip down my back.

"Ms. Y/L/N." A familiar voice chimed. The Scottish accent made it all to easy to recognize as Jim Moriarty.

I had been working with Sherlock Holmes for a couple of months now, I had worked for Scotland Yard and he decided that I didn't belong there and invited me to his flat. From then on I became his new flatmate as his old partner John Watson had moved out and found a girlfriend. He was swooning over this one very man; Jim Moriarty. He couldn't think about anything else but him, every day it was only Jim.

Jim had intrigued me. I wondered why he did what he did, why he killed and blew things up. Why he was so heartless. Maybe it's because nobody had given him a heart to beat, he had no one and sometimes I thought if I could be close to him maybe I could change him. After finishing one of our cases I told Sherlock I would stay behind and talk to Lestrade, to which I kept my word and did. I was walking home since I didn't have enough money for a cab and a cloth covered my nose and mouth, making me breathe in the fumed that it was soaked in. Chloroform most likely.

The blindfold, or whatever it was covering my eyes was torn off, yanking my head along with it and giving me a neck cramp since I didn't expect it. There he stood, Jim Moriarty in front of me, in a grey suit and a burgundy tie will a lopsided grin as he looked at me with dull eyes.

"Did you miss me?" His grin only grew larger as the words came out of his mouth. I didn't shake or shiver at his smile, his words didn't faze me. I was immune to his ego, Sherlock had taught me the essence of making the best of these types of situations.

"Jim Moriarty. I want to ask you some questions." I spoke nonchalantly, confident in my speech.

"It's rather unusual of victims to ask questions." Jim's grin faded, his eyebrow raising just the slightest as if to see that I was plain serious.

"Why do you kill?" I asked, perfectly calm though my heart was in fact beating quicker then normal. It seems adrenaline was pumping through my body but it was like mental adrenaline.

A little chuckle escaped Jim's throat. His body sort of contorted backwards as if he was trying to dodge the question like it was a bullet. "Because it's fun. I love to see the terror in the eyes of my victims." He smiled sadistically but I felt that wasn't the true reason.

"I can help you, there's a void in you that needs to be filled, I can see through you Moriarty. You want something but killing and torturing England won't fill it long enough." I pleaded, my hands tightening into fists.

His eyes seemed to have changed. They didn't have any emotion before, but now they showed anger, pure anger. I saw his jaws grind together as he looked down at me. Before I knew it the side of my face was stinging and bubbling with pain. Moriarty grabbed a chunk of my hair and forced me to lift off the chair as I yelped in pain. "Don't tell me you're stupid jokes, because if I did have a heart I would have burned it away a long time ago." He growled in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my neck.

Moriarty let go of my hair and I fell back into my chair. His words somehow hurt me more then him tugging on my hair.

"Let me fix you! I can help you! I can offer you love, I can-" I was cut off by another slap across the face, this time even more hard and painful then the last. I looked in my lap, did I really say that I could offer Jim Moriarty love? Was that my problem all along, that I was only curious about him because I somehow had fallen for this psychotic cereal killer?

"Let me tell you one thing Ms. Y/L/N. There is nothing to fix because I am not broken." Jim sneered, cocking combat pistol before it fired. My eyes widened, I hadn't processed the hole in my chest yet. I tried to take a breath but my lungs sputtered, all I could do was suck wind and cough violently as the pain had finally started. I could feel warm blood running down my stomach and the amount soaking my shirt was alarming. I was being suffocated, it must have pierced my lung, I couldn't get a proper breath and I could feel blood bubbling in the back of my throat.

My surroundings were a blur now, all I could focus on was the pain coursing through my body and the irony taste in my mouth. I didn't notice Jim had left, I didn't notice that Sherlock Holmes had rushed in with police in his heels, by then I was slumped in my chair, blood and spit dripping from my mouth as my heart beat disappeared.


Hope everyone enjoyed, I didn't edit because I'm lazy so if there's any typos don't patronize me.

I was tagged in something again so here we go againnnnnnnnnnn

Tagged by Artistic_Felony

1. Favorite Song:

Pshhhhhh wtf kind of question is this? I canny have 1 single favorite son but right now one that I'm enjoying a lot is X and Y by Coldplay

2. Favorite Sport:

Football for physical sport, chess for non physical sport because some people find chess a sport to which I agree.

3. Favorite band:

Again a fricking impossible question, seriously who makes these questions?

Ummmmm for a recent band I like Twenty One Pilots and for old bands The Police.

4. Favorite show:

Supernatural for realistic shows, for anime I would say Sword Art Online or Seven Deadly Sins

5. Favorite movie:

I hate these fudging questions.

Ummmmmm I don't know. I bet some people read these and are like 'how can you be so indesisive?' Well how can you not? There's hundreds of good movies out there and if you have one favorite you should be watching some more because There's so much to choose from.

For animated I would have to say Ponyo and for realistic-ish I would say Enders game like any other answer I've given.

Favorite colour:

Any blue.

Favorite food:

Kraft dinner Mac and cheese

Favorite video game:

Any Pokemon DSI or 3/2DS games

Favorite drink:

Arizona iced tea with honey and ginseng

I tag:
SleepyWolfx -radicaleafy

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