Sherlock - The Fight

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You have been sherlock Holmes girlfriend for four months now. You sat in his chair and watched him walk into the flat, pace around, then exit into him room without even greeting you.

You were fet up.

You don't even remember the time he last kissed you, obviously he hadn't said "I love you" yet but you gave him some slack for that, it's whenever he's ready. But things drove you crazy now. Sherlock wouldn't hug or kiss, he was only focused on cases and sometimes he would ignore you for the whole day.

Your emotions finally got the better of you, and you called him out on it.

"Sherlock?" No answer.

"SHERLOCK?" You say louder.

"What is it Y/N I'm busy!" Sherlock says storming out of his room to face you.

"You're always to busy for me! You say I'm your girlfriend but-but it seems that your case is the one you care about most." You growled. "Do you even want to be with me anymore?"

He waved his hand in the air as if he wisked of your comment. "Don't be silly, I like you more then cases. Stop overreacting."

"When was the last time you kissed or hugged or even bloody touched me? Hmmm?" You fought back, and with that the flat fell silent.

"Thats right." You crossed your arms and awaited a response.

"I just...forgot." Sherlock said quietly avoiding eye contact.

"Why? Because you had to delete our relationship to store more valuble information? Am I not valuble enough for you?" You hissed.

"Y/N, you're over reacti-"

"Over reacting?" You started to tear up. "Do you know how hard it is to be ignored and set aside? I love you, but I don't know if you do anymore..." You trailed off.

"No, I-I don't love you. Wait-" He responded but froze in mid sentence. You felt your blood stop, and heart break in two, you didn't notice that he had stopped like he had made a mistake, but you didn't care.

"H-how long?" You choked out, tears now running down your cheeks. Sherlock looked like a deer in headlights; eyes wide with his mouth gaping.

Before he could say something you ran to the door and grabbed your coat and phone and ran outside, then ran as quick as you could to a small motel a couple streets down. The lady at the desk looked concerned at your state, and told you you could stay as long as you want, you paid for the first night and thanked her genorously.

You opened the door and looked in the mirror to find your hair messed up, your eyes red and puffy, and your cheeks that were bright red and tear stained. No wonder the desk lady was worried. You collapsed on your bed in a heap of sobs. You must have stayed there for a long time and fell asleep, because you woke up to see outside was light, the morning sun pouring in the room from between the drapes. You took a long, hot shower and went out for some breakfast. After went back to your room, and checked your phone. there was 15 missed calls from Sherlock, 2 from Mycroft, and 3 from John. You didn't feel like talking, because just from seeing Sherlocks name it made you begin to cry again. You sat on the bed and cried for several minutes, until you once again fell asleep. Boy, crying really took the energy out of you, because when you woke up the sun was beginning to set.

You got up and made your way to your phone again, which was now close to dying. You had more missed calls from all three boys, so you decided to talk
to john, thinking he's not a Holmes, but also because John was John. He was trustworthy and definitely the right guy to talk to for advice.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Oh! Y/N thank god. We are all worried about you. Listen you need to go talk to Sherlock, he's- he made a big mistake and he really regrets it. Y/N he's breaking apart. Please, I know your hurt by what he said, but listen to what he has to say, he screwed up. Please." And with that, john hung up leaving you baffled and a bit hurt by him leaving so quickly.

Was sherlock really hurt? Maybe you should have listened, but you were too
caught up in the moment.

You grabbed your stuff and returned the key to the front desk. You then began to walk down to 221B Baker St. where you hoped everything would get resolved.

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