Sherlock - We've Seen Eachother Before

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Request for @Idvibes

Things weren't going the way you wanted really, you wanted a house and a family, and a good job but things seemed to track.

Turns out way off track, so off track that you found yourself in a drug den, so high that you were pretty close to the brink of death. You couldn't help it, nothing helped, not treatment, not rehab, not interventions. In fact that was why you were currently in a drug den, to hide away from your family and friends. You didn't want them to see you like this, so pathetic and lost.

A man stumbled beside you and slid down to lie on your mattress, his sleeve pulled up and needle ready, the belt secured tightly around his bicep. He injected himself and leaned back, sighing in relief. It was a few moments before he went back into his pocket to get more, but you quickly put your hand on his shoulder. "Slow down there bud or you'll O.D." You mumbled and sat up on the wall.

"I'm fine." He muttered and persisted. He looked familiar, like you had seen him somewhere before. "I've seen you before." You said pointing a wobbly finger at him. "Obviously, I'm everywhere these days." He hummed proudly, but at the same time in an annoyed way.

"Mycroft Holmes right." You said simply. He turned to you and looked at you with utter shock. "Are you serious?"

"Oh-wait! You're Benedict Cumberbatch!" You exclaimed "OH! Alan Turing- no- Steven Strange?"

"Would you shut up already! I'm Sherlock Holmes, the famous consulting detective!" Sherlock snapped.

"Oh yeah that guy." You mumbled. "Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself, he nodded and hummed, suddenly a man walked up to Sherlock and grabbed him by his collar. "I have a wife who is pregnant and I have to come here and drag you out of this place, course you're high as a kite." He growled and looked Sherlock up and down.

"John, I'm fine, it's for a case!" He groaned.

"A case my arse." John growled and dragged Sherlock out of the drug den, you sighed as your one friend in this place you had made was taken away just like that.

Much time had passed, in fact it had been about 2 years since your days in the drug den. After that day you picked up your life and went to rehab, trying hard to beat the drugs and you did. You had been clean for a year and a half and was going strong. Good apartment, good job, the only part of your dream left to do find was a family.

As you bought an afternoon tea and walked out of the coffee shop you walked down Baker Street as it was a shortcut to your work, a shaggy headed Sherlock crossed your view to your surprise, he was chatting to the man who dragged him out of the den; John Watson.

"Mycroft Holmes! An autograph please!" You called jokingly as they went up the stairs, Sherlock turned around quickly ready to give the stink eye to whoever said that. You waved and smiled and his eyes shined with mischievousness. "I've seen you before." He hummed and waved for John to go inside, of course John complied and disappeared into 221 B Baker Street.

"You have...a long time ago in a bad place." You chuckled.

"Y/N Y/L/N." He hummed, "easy to remember, of course I have the superior mind to remember the right name for someone." Sherlock hummed nonchalantly.

"What about Greg?" John called from inside.

"Who?" Sherlock replied but waved it off. "Would you like to have dinner at Speedy's?" He asked changing the topic and pointing to the diner right beside them. "I get dinner for free since I saved the owner from execution." Sherlock hummed.

"Why not?" You smiled happily and walked into the diner, it would only be one of the many dates you shared with the famous Sherlock Holmes.

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