Sherlock - My Little Girls

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Request for DaughterofRiverSong

Sherlock had had quite a busy and rather nerve wracking night. He usually wasn't nervous or scared about anything, but when it came to labour he was a complete mess. Why? Because he had no control or ability to predict and deduce. The cogs in his brain sputtered to a stop as he saw his wife in such visible pain. The entire night Sherlock had been beside Y/N's side, timing contractions using a little stop watch as it wasn't recommended to go to the hospital until contractions were around 3-5 minutes apart. He held her hand and whispered sweet nothings to ease the pain as each contraction rolled around. "Thats it darling, breathe." He said as he matched Y/N's sharp breaths, breathing in and out with her, looking into her eyes and nodding to let her know that he was there and it was okay. Sherlock knew he had to be strong for Y/N, so he put aside his frustrations and did anything he could for her, seeing her in pain made him go much out of his way to comfort her. Finally after hours, they were ready. Sherlock helped Y/N to the car and drove as quickly yet safely as he could to St. Barts as that was the closest hospital. They were quickly transferred to a room and Y/N was put on a large bed to accompany her large frame and give her room to lay on her side and such if she needed to. Months before her and Sherlock had planned to go natural, no epidural or anything. Y/N had realized how much pain she would be going through, and Sherlock supported her every step of the way. Besides, Y/N was strong. Putting aside the painful contractions, she didn't scream or cry or sob, she simply tucked her chin in and breathed as smoothly as possible. She was very much looking forward to the babies arrival. 

A few more hours in the hospital room and contractions were much more closer, Y/N rocked back and forth trying to contradict the pain while Mary took over coaching for a little while. Sherlock seemed a little shell shocked as the fact of him being a father very soon finally sunk in, John was giving him a little pep talk and trying to snap him out of it once the doctor confirmed that Y/N was fully dilated and ready to push.

"Go on you silly sod, she needs you!" John said pushing Sherlock forward towards Y/N. She immediately clasped his hand so hard that it took the wind out of him, he stood beside the bed and took a minute to adjust to the pain. Her grip only tightened as she pushed, making Sherlock squeak slightly and bite his lip. 

Despite the pain in his hand, he knew Y/N was going through pain a million times worse, so he sucked it up and encouraged her to push, saying how good she was doing and that it was almost over. He looked to John and he gave a thumbs up. "She's almost there." John mouthed as he smiled, watching his friend that could look at dead mutilated bodies but not look down as a baby being birthed even if his life depended on it.

After several tense minutes of pushing, a babies cry filled the room, a wailing that made sherlocks legs feel like jelly. He didn't feel his hand get squeezed again as he was so focused on the one screaming girl that was being cleaned off, that he almost passed out when he heard another little scream erupt from the doctors hands. 

Of course Sherlock knew they were having twins but the fact that two other humans were now present in the room made him flop down in a chair, luckily not on the floor as John caught him in the chair just in time. 

"We did it honey." Y/N smiled softly, looking tiredly over at Sherlock. She was covered in sweat and her face was all red, but Sherlock still thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"We did it..." He said, his voice cracking slightly. He watched the babies be put in their mothers arms, tears slipping down her red cheeks. "They're so beautiful." she said softly, looking down at her healthy baby girls. She laid her head back once she had got them to breast feed, and within minutes Y/N had peacefully drifted into a well deserved sleep.

Sherlock watched the whole time, swallowing hard as John clapped him on she shoulder. "Well done mate. I think its your turn to hold them." He chuckled softly and gently took the babies out of Y/N's arms, positioning sherlocks arms right and gently transferring them. 

Sherlocks eyes widened slightly as he looked over the tiny faces of the two little girls. A little lock of curly (y/h/c) hair stuck out from the blankets they were wrapped in respectively, and they cooed softly every now and then when they shifted. Sherlock observed them breathing, he felt them breathing against them. 

Sherlock looked up to John giving him a look as if asking 'is this real?'. John chuckled softly and nodded, smiling to Mary as well. "Congratulations Sherlock." He smiled softly, wrapping his arm around Mary.

Sherlock nodded "Thank you John...thats very kind of you." He looked back down to the babies and smiled softly. 

"They're beautiful. My little girls." He said softly, giving each a gentle kiss on their heads. John could have sworn he saw a tear slip down sherlocks cheek, but who knows. Sherlock would never tell. Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.  But there was no losing side that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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