Sherlock - Anorexia

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You are perfect, even if i have never met you in my life or seen you I know you're beautiful and perfect. How you ask? Because everyone is in their own way, and if you see a girl or boy that's prettier or handsomer then you need know you are perfect and you don't have to change anything about yourself to make you prettier or skinnier.

You are you, keep it that way.

Anyway, this chapter will be about anorexia, it was requested so i hope you all enjoy and maybe you can learn a little if you're battling some inner demons. (No not supernatural demons gosh)



Sherlock's POV:

"Morning Mrs. Hudson." I say as she walks in with a tray of tea and biscuits.

"Good morning Sherlock." She greets back in her normal cheery attitude. "Usually don't see you up this early in the morning." She notes out loud.

"Yes well i wasn't very tired." I reply. I was too deep in thought to sleep last night. Something is not right with Y\N. Her usual visits have shortened and become more scarce and when she does visit she's awfully pale and she just doesn't seem her normal self.

"Oh, and sherlock, I'm going to my sisters house for the day, would you mind checking up on Y\N? I think she's come down with the flu." Mrs. Hudson asks then leaves the flat.

"Flu. The flu." I repeat. Y\N is always healthy, and rarely contracts any illness, so it didn't feel right to she was ill.

I jump up and head to my drawers, then whip out some pants and slip on a sweater that john had given me at Christmas. Its not my colour in my opinion but it will do for the cold London months.

After a sip of tea and a biscuit i brush my teeth and rush out of the flat and up to Y\N's.

I knock on the door and wait. Then i knock again, then again and I get no answer to any of them.

I try the door knob and its strangely unlocked. She must've been expecting Mrs. Hudson, so i slip in and close the door behind me.

Y\N's flat is quite clean, almost too clean.

'If Y\N's sick then i should make her some soup and tea.' I thought. I went into her mini kitchen and opened her cupboards only to find them empty. There was nothing in the cupboards or in the fridge accept water and ice.

I cautiously walk to Y\N's closed bedroom door. I turn the knob slowly and let the door creep open silently.

What i see makes me cringe.

Y\N is phased into looking at the mirror. She has her shirt lifted up and i can see that she's perfectly fit accept for ribs that are showing.

She slowly turns her head to me and she was like a deer in headlights.

Her eyes went wide and she quickly pulled her shirt down and started to run around, frantically trying to do something or hide herself.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, making her freeze in place.

"On the bed now!" I order, and Y\N obeys, hanging her head in shame.

I sat down beside her and put my hand atop of hers.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Y\N stayed silent and avoided eye contact.

"I could've help you, why did you not tell me?"

She was still silent, sometimes hiccuping from softly crying.

I ran to the bathroom and got a mini mirror, then ran back and held it in front of Y\N.

"What do you see?" Silence.

"WHAT DO YOU SEE?" I demanded.

"I SEE UGLINESS! I see a fat and ugly person!" She cried, finally letting the dam keeping all her emotions in crumble.

"And why do you think that?"

"Because I can't get one single date and when i go out i see so many other prettier women out there. Its not like I can turn it off sherlock! Anorexia doesn't work like that!" She yells, tears freely falling down her cheeks.

Yes, it finally made sense now. All the scarce visits and food, how she was weak and pale.

I walked up to her and did something i rarely did. I went up and wrapped my arms around her boney frame. She was cold, and shaking. Finally, she cried and cried. She broke down in my arms and told me all that she was struggling with. How she was bullied, how she hates herself, how she wished she was a different person.

But i thought she was perfect. I thought she was beautiful, intelligent, kind, you name it she was it. Y\N could say...i liked her a little.

Well that was an understatement.

I liked her alot...maybe she even made me feel...true love?

I can't bare to see her like this. Sad, mad, hating herself when she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

"Do, do you really mean that?"

I look down in my arms to see Y\N's wide (eye colour) eyes staring at me, almost amazed.

"Did i say that out loud?" I asked, my face momentarily heating up.

She nods.

"Well it was all true. Everything. I..." I clear my throat. "I love you and everything about you. You're beautiful Y\N and i don't want you any other way then you were before." I rush out.

We drift closer and our lips softly connect. We kiss again and again, repeatably melting into them.

"Please move in with me. We can stop your anorexia, or at least try. Together." I propose.

Y\N nods and nuzzles into my chest again, and i slowly lie down and Y\N moves as well so she's laying partially on my chest. Her breathing regulates and I know we'll get the sleep we both need and deserve.

Sherlock One-Shots and Preferences Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt