John - Farewell

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All credit to one who suggested this, I know almost everything people write about John is sad, as well as Sam from supernatural but they just always have that sad vibe you know what I mean?

Anyway thank you~

Y/N crept along the swimming pool wall, listening to every word that was spat out between the three men. For every burst of yelling or anger she walked cautiously so the would not hear her.

She stayed in a final hidden spot, where she could eastrough on their conversation in secrecy.

The chattering stopped and for a minute she held her breath, hoping she hadn't been found.

"Come out come out where ever you are Y/N. I know you're here." Moriarty's chilling voice called out, making it feel like a hide and seek of death. Three red dots appeared on her chest in the swimming change stall, and she knew she was dead the second they came on.

"I've got three snipers on you Y/N. Why don't you come out and show ol' Johnny boy how brave of a daughter he has." He chimed in a sing song voice.

Y/N stepped out of the stall and faced her father and his friend, their colour dropping. Moriarty stalked closer and fiddled with her (h/c) hair between his fingers then whipping it down like it was nothing to him.

"You made a mistake." He snarled, his breath tingling Y/N's neck in the most painful way.

The pit in her stomach grew as she prayed to God that the warm, clammy hammer of her gun hidden in her sleeve wouldn't make a sound as she cocked it.

One, two three. The hammer pulled back silently, making a sliver of the fear shed off Y/N like the dead skin cells that no one ever sees or pays attention to.

Y/N had avoided contact with John for a while, but now she couldn't. She looked at his red, bloodshot eyes from countless nights staying up to protect Y/N or to perhaps protect London.

The tears pooled in his eyes, making it appeal as if he had glossed over glass eyes. His chin quivered slightly and his head shook in disappointment, or perhaps sadness.

"Daddy." She greeted solemnly, almost as if a goodbye. The jig was up, Y/N's plan had failed.

"Ugh. So boring. A typical reunion, well my patience is thinning Ms.Y/N. Unfortunately your time has been cut short." Moriarty chattered in a innocent voice, bouncing on his heels. He smiled devilishly and lifted up his crossed fingers, about to snap as a cue to the snipers.

Within one fluid motion Y/N pushed Moriarty back and shot him straight in the forehead, making him topple into the pool.

Everything went silent as Y/N fell to the ground. It might have been from the bullets aimlessly deafing her as countless punctured her body, or perhaps she was already dead.

As her head lulled to a stop, Y/N's once amazingly (e/c) eyes dulled to a faint bluish gloss.

Her father dove to his knees, anger fueling him to save his daughter that could not be saved any more.

He rapidly pumped sets of compressions onto his lifeless daughters chest, tears sliding out from his eyes and down the bridge of his nose, where they drop down and soak into the sopping shirt that was drenched in red, sticky blood.

Sherlock puts a hand on his bloggers shoulder, as if a message to say she's gone.

John Watson lifts his violently shaking hand and lightly grazes it over her eyelids, making them slide closed.

He sobbed uncontrollably over his sweet flesh and blood that he couldn't protect. He had one job, it was to be a good father and he had failed, he had failed and now it cost his precious Y/N's life.

He clamped onto his daughter as police and paramedics rushed in, but this time he wouldn't let anyone take her away, so he stayed with her cold body, quietly murmuring comforting phrases although the only one hearing them was himself.

I'm evil right? I kind of even teared up while writing this. Please vote and comment and go read stuff from TerryThomas828 god dammit! Luv u's


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