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So i was tagged by Miss_Moose so thank you and i hope you enjoy learning some probably useless things about me. hoorah i want to know a little about these people so i challenge you to Do this too CastielsLostGrace That-One-Book-Lover

1. I'm currently 13 but will be 14 in 11 days because my birthday is the 17th of August

2. I'm a proud leo ♌

3. I have a pet linniated parokeet (linnie) named Pico

4. I love to draw, especially fanart, and i do mostly supernatural fanart and if you want to see it visit my instagram account

5. I am super nerdy, i rp alot with awesome people *cough cough MrsJeager1* and i just feel like i am one

6. This is something wierd about me but i love to listen to peoples problems or just their life. If they have a problem, i feel that if i can help them or just make them feel better, that i am actually doing something right for once... (•-•)

7. I love music, any type but country and rap. Some of my favorite artists are Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran, Pentatonix, Elvis, and i love 80's and 90's music too.

8. I love scary movies, and i challenge myself to watch them because i love the feeling in the pit of my stomach when bad things happen.

9. If you ever want to talk my kik is Chloe_Winchester17. (idk if thats a fact)

10. I live in Canada, Toronto to be exactly and i am very glad and proud to be a canadian eh.

11. I too love animated cartoons and some animes. Cartoon network is a good place for me to zone out and enjoy watching. I think Adventure time would be my most favorite animated cartoon, but then steven Universe would be second in command.

12. I am actually really insecure. Just someone looking at me makes me feel and say bad things about myself and i hate it. Thats why i don't like the public very much, or even being at school throws me into a sense of hating myself.

13. I am constantly thinking about my past, present, and future and i don't know why, its just when i see or hear something its like 'How will i be when i grow up? Will that effect me? Blah blah blahblah blah'

14. I think if i didn't have netflix my life would be really boring. Theres so many shows that if they weren't watched i wouldn't evern have this account or anything really. I would be a incredibly boring and plain person. So thank you for netflix creators.

15. I'm really shy around new people i meet physically, but online or whatever i actually urge myself to talk to people and meet or chat just to have fun or just talk.

16. I have really wierd dreams about things i've liked, for example i've put myself into Attack on Titan, Supernatural, Merlin, Ender's Game, and Maze Runner. I don't know why i do it but I kindof like it.

17. I ship destiel, and johnlock, and mystrade and sabriel and just alot of gay ships because gay ships are yay ships. If you don't like it then keep your thoughts to yourself cause i don't want to hear it.

18. I think of myself inbetween tomboy and girly because i hate girly clothes and brands and i like to do things like frog hunt or fish near the rocks but i wear makeup sometimes and dress girlish.

19. If you are reading this crap about me you are awesome because i'm surprised you read all this. (I thought you were awesome anyway)

20. At my old school i was a total teachers pet, and everyone called me that and i admitted it because its true.

Ok so that was my 2o facts, thank you for reading and i hope you somehow enjoyed.


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