John - Piña Coladas?

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John and Y/N had always been together since as long as they could remember, they were always happy, a fight here and there sometimes but they always made up. Nothing could break them up. They were the Watsons, just by the last name you can guess that they didn't give up on things easily.

They both loved each other very much, but things never changed. There came a time in the relationship where there was no excitement. It was just the same everyday and no one was brave enough to speak up about it. Their relationship was like a record going on and on, playing the one same song, and neither one could take much longer of a relationship that love wasn't prominent anymore.

John read the paper in bed while Y/N slept beside him, when he came across the personal columns he squinted his eyes more at one that looked odd.

"If you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain, if you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain. If you like making love at midnight on the dunes of the cape, I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape."

This odd little column intrigued John, somehow he just felt connected to these words. His eyes flicked to his partners head, her face facing away from him. He read over the column again and sighed silently. After much debating he picked up his laptop and opened it, going into his email and typing in the email address that the person who wrote it left, of that he had never seen.

For a moment John paused. He thought about if this was a guy who wrote it but shook his head. Using his minor deduction skills he had picked up off of Sherlock he thought it wouldn't be a male based off the words used and how it was so carefully written.

Continuing on with his email John decided to respond differently in hopes to intrigue the writer.

"Yes I like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain, I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne, I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon and cut through all this red tape. At a bar called O'Malleys, where we'll plan our escape."

John thought it wasn't half bad, he sent the email and shut his computer, putting it to the side and slipping under the covers until morning. When morning came John and Y/N woke up like a normal day, they had a silent breakfast together and as noon approached john got dressed in something nicer than normal. Oddly Y/N was getting dressed too, a bit fancy as well.

"Going somewhere?" John hummed buttoning up his shirt.

Y/N nodded smiling slightly. "Yeah just going to meet up with some old friends at noon."

John nodded checking his watch, he liked to arrive to things early just in case so he kissed his wife's cheek and smiled "I'll see you later then. Have a good time." He smiled and walked off to take the Tube to the bar. While riding it he had thoughts of doubt an of guilt, but he thought that he somehow didn't deserve Y/N, she's always been so wonderful to him, she's always been there for him.

John tapped his fingers anxiously sitting at the farthest table back, that was their arranged place of meeting. As the clock struck noon john got up, he had changed his mind and was going home. Though just as he got up, he had been facing away so the woman who wrote the add couldn't see his face, a hand caught his shoulder. "Hi, did you respond to my add?"

Johns eyes widened, he knew that voice, and when he turned to face her he knew her smile, he knew the curve of her face. It was his own lovely Y/N.

"'s you..." Y/N smiled slightly. John gave her a look of somewhat disbelief but couldn't stop himself from laughing. Y/N joined in holding Johns forearm. "I never knew, I really didn't..." John managed to say as he slowly calmed down.

Really, neither of them was mad because they had both screwed themselves in an odd way. Johns hand made it down to Y/N's and intertwined their fingers as he looked into her eyes with his deep blue ones. "Did you still want to escape with me?" John asked. "Maybe a trip to the Bahamas would do us good." He winked smiling.

"Yeah...I think so." Y/N smiled happily and leaned up pecking him on the lips, they walked out of the bar with their hands still intertwined.

As they walked down towards the Tube, John looked over to Y/N. "Piña coladas huh?"

Y/N giggled nodding "Love them." She hummed looking up to him.

John chuckled and went home with Y/N where they really did plan an escape together, maybe it was just for a week or two, but it would surely have Piña coladas in the mix.

Just a cute little story for you all. Have a good day!


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