Sherlock - If You Love Me

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I don't know how many times I will have to do this, but I really don't mind because y'all should know.  You are beautiful. You are handsome. You are loved. There's no need to self harm if you do or don't, and please if you do get help or talk to someone. I'm always listening.

Just a disclaimer, also if you don't like self harm imagines or sad things then don't read this.

You are lovely. I'd love to meet people. :)

Ok to the request; for @Opal15

Your keys jumbled between your fingers, you were too stressed to even find the right key to unlock the familiar door to 221B baker St.. Angrily sighing as the door swung open after finally finding the key, you trudged up the stairs slumped against the wall.

You heard the door swung open behind you as you begin to climb the what seems like the never ending stair way when it was about 15 steps.

"Y/N, I've been meaning to -" a deep, baritone voice called out to you.

"Not now Sherlock." Your sad tone interrupted him, not caring how you sounded right now.

It was silent when you finally got to the the door, you were so mentally exhausted that it was hard to stand, and the only thing you could feel was the big lump in your throat.

Dropping your bag on the floor and throwing off your sweater, your chest heaves and it feels like you're choking on the lump in your throat. Your eyes squint and warm tears drop from your eyes as your lips scrunch up.

Sobs escape your fragile frame, and you slowly make it to your bedroom. Grief, anger, sadness, almost every unhappy feeling crashing into your brain and body like waves in the ocean on a stormy night.

Your frame got smaller and smaller, the waves drowning, consuming you until your were a scrunched ball on your messy bed.

Sobs wracked your body, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't think, but most of all you couldn't stop yourself.

You couldn't stop yourself from throwing yourself off the bed and reaching onto the dusty floor and grabbing the small latched box. You couldn't stop yourself from opening the box and pulling out a shiny, but small thin blade. You couldn't stop yourself from bringing the lustrous blade down to your thighs, and you couldn't stop digging the blade into your skin, seeing the dark garnet liquid seep into your pants.

Cut, after cut, after cut. It was endless, like your body was your own scratching pole. Arms, thighs, wrists, you cut until your eyes started to droop and all you could see was red. You could still feel the wetness of tears on your cheeks and the cold air hitting your warm and blurry eyes.

Banging on the door startled your mind, but your paying body stayed still, limp against your bed frame.

"Y-hmgm." The voice was muffled, mostly because you hadn't heard anything but your own sons and pounding heart beat like a gong banging constantly.

"Y/N!" The voice came through more clearly-it was your name.

"Y/N please open the door!" The deep voice pleaded. Did you lock the door? You couldn't remember. Your head lolled from side to side, you were trying to make out some kind of words but your mouth was so dry.

"Please, open the door Y/N it's Sherlock."

Sherlock? Why was he here? Your crush who didn't even notice you was somehow in your flat and pounding on your door. Your head shot up as it fell forward, but your body was so weak than you could only fall into your side to catch your fall. The now cooler sticky blood was under your forearms, it wasn't pleasant.

"Leave me..." You managed, the sudden gasps of air giving you the power to speak. What were you going to say after that? Leave me to die? Leave me to rot, because I deserve to? As your mind dulled, the heavenly voice cooed one more time, a slight crack in his pleading voice as he spoke.

"If you love me, please open the door."

"" With your eyes only a smidge open you could see the door burst open, a small splinter even hit your deathly pale cheek. The silhouette of the curly haired detective filled your vision until you could see no more, for your body had gone cold and your heart that beat for one person and one person alone had ceased.

Mwah ha ha ha! Part two to come my loved ones. I know I'm evil.


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